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    Neil Strauss: The Annihilation Method

    Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 or as a pdf (without comments from thundercats blog)...
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    Worst Pickup Artist EVER. (Video)

    I don't know if these have been posted, but they are pretty funny. This are clips from 'The Man Show' starring 'the Man Show Boy'. This kid absolutely no approach anxiety.
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    Mystery's New Ebook

    Mystery has a new ebook! Here is the description from his site: "Learn the secrets of the world’s top Pickup Artists! The Venusian Arts Handbook (2nd edition, 225 pages) is the ultimate reference guide for the aspiring Pick-Up Artist. It was conceived by Mystery, with many parts of it...
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    3 day fast: metabolic shutdown?

    For the next three days, I plan to only drink water. Lots of water. Then, starting Sunday Oct 9th, I will keep a food journal of everything that I eat. I want to get my diet 'handled'. I feel that it is necessary to do the fast to clean out my system. In the past, I have ingested too...
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    ABC PRIMETIME Thurs - Pickup Artists revealed!

    There was supposed to be a 1 hour special on 'the community' at the beginning of September, but it was delayed because of the hurricane. Now they have clipped it down to 8 minutes, and it is playing tonight at 10:00pm. It is has film from "Cliff's list seminar" and has stuff about Mystery...
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    NEIL STRAUSS Book Signing in TORONTO Monday 26th!

    Who is going to go to this? Source: TORONTO Chapters Festival Hall 42 John St. Monday, September 26 at 7:00 pm Who else besides Neil Struass will attend? Juggler? Mystery? I know Mystery is from Toronto. If I go...
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    she flirts with everyone... except you

    Can anyone explain to me why some girls flirt with everyone except you as a way to spark your interest? ------------------ Here is my scenario: I joke around with this girl from school a lot (her name is Jen, aged 20). Text book DJ stuff. Perfect application of ****y & funny on her. She is...
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    Style (Neil Strauss), on 'The View'

    Here is a 38 Mb clip (13 minutes) of Neil Strauss (aka Style) promoting his new book on the view. The link will only be valid for 6 more days. Here it is in torrent as well
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    Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists

    The Game : Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists by Neil Strauss Is anybody else going to get this book when it comes out? (September 1, 2005) It...
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    Bad Experience?: Change Your Perspective

    I’ve noticed that in life, the events that you think are the worst things to happen to you often change your life for the best. It is useful to look back at some of those ‘horrible’ events and be thankful that they happened to you. If they didn’t, you wouldn’t be who you are today...
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    Are you pretty???

    Muhammed Ali: "My face is so pretty, you don't see a scar, which proves I'm the king of the ring by far.” “I’m the prettiest thing that ever put on boxing gloves.” “Boxing’s a rough sport. After every fight I rush to the mirror to make sure I’m presentable.” “I’m so beautiful I...
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    "She is a hor!" = ego defense?

    I've noticed that a lot of guys (in the real world and on this forum) tend to label almost every girl a hor or a slút. In a majority of these cases the guy is doing this to reject the girl before she has a chance to reject you. They are defending their ego. Labelling girls this way protects...