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    Introverted & Submissive Female

    I have a submissive G/F , **** buddy ,best friend for years....Now take into consideration that we didnt start playin around til after I came out of a very lengthy relationship so your scenario might be a bit tougher(we were friends for years). Not to mention the woman doesnt have an introverted...
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    Try confronting her about her huge A$$ insecurity complex.........
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    The 1 woman I dont mind waking up with

    I'll be the first one to admit its weird. But let me emphasize a few things first. This is not someone that I've been friends with for a short amount of time. We've been friends for the better part of 15 yrs. fellas. Business partners, drinkin buddies you name it. I know the skeletons buried...
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    The 1 woman I dont mind waking up with

    I'm gonna throw this out there and let you guys analyze this . My Best-Friend is an 11. I mean seriously she's frigin amazing to look at (like this is a bad thing) Guys drool over her constantly. For some reason on those rare occasions (she just finally let the last idiot go after going...
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    feeling time pressure to get a GF before 30

    As I said before I was married way , way tooo young. When we came back from our honeymoon we started out with our two crappy jobs and the cpl of grand we got from our reception. Now that I divorced the psycho, moved back home and bought a house so my kid can be closer to my family. Single...
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    How long would you wait to propose to a girl?

    One piece of advice, make sure your financially ready to marry before you do anything. Yeah ,I know love conquers all and bladdy , bladdy , ....Bull $hit ........ . Finances put a huge , huge stress on a relationship. Once that ring goes on your both contractually obligated to take care of one...
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    my internet personals ad......

    HHHHHmmmmmm....... I'm gonna give this self-depravation thing a try Hi I'm Rick, and although I'm still pretty good lookin for 35 . I've , recently ended a 12 yr relationship "with a manic-depressive stripper on prozac " therefore I have no interest in you as a person I only wish to...
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    pls give advice, this is the continuation of critisim

    O.K. Dude...... You say she's your living partner, and you never fight..... correct ?????????????? But for some strange reason beyond your comprehension she's still hung up on some ex love ??????????? Now I dont know where you think your taking this relationship with this woman, BUT...
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    Doc Love was wrong

    Heres my thing with e-mail. When e-mailing a woman I keep things simple and straight to the point. E-mails great to get a point across , but its also very, very informal. There is No way at all to gauge interest , no body language, eye contact, not even the discernable change in the tone of...
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    When to move in for the kill

    when to move in for the kill ....... " .............. at the first scent of blood " I would have led her by the hand to this room. Locked the door behind me, and told her to go first. If she was still willing I would have intently watched her undress without a word. If she was...
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    FR: IOI there, still a crash and burn...

    O.K. look I've been reading some of the posts from you younger guys and I'm assuming maybe your trying too hard ? I'm also getting the vibe that some of you are trying way too hard to act disinterested? So lemme share one of my own personal rules with you all. When a woman invites you...
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    do you plan on staying single or marrying some day?

    "Been there an done that marriage thing" Did it wayyyyyyyyy............ wayyyyyyyyyyy......... too young too. 20 and I didnt know $^*t about women.............or life in general either. At this stage in my life "35" . I'm doin what I should have been doing in my 20's. I'm sniffing my way...
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    Was i PlayeD

    Keep the numbers man, Chances are if she "was" all kinds of touchy and flirty with you after a 1st encounter then things may not be too cool on the home front with "JOE B/F" Give her a shout every now an again just to see whats up. If things are "iffy" w/her love life you'll know soon...
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    How does a DJ respond to a turn down

    Ditto on the dont even bother to respond part. But, dont over look this internet thing either. I have had some pretty amazing sex using this contraption as a " tool" There are some pretty cool chics out here that use this thing,some based solely on the fact that in this day and...