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  1. H

    Morning After Pill:

    Alright so we had sex last night, and things went pretty well. It didn't hurt her as much as we expected, though we had to start really slow and the first couple or minutes or so were uncomfortable/sore for her, though I was as gentle as I could be. We also did a lot of foreplay before to make...
  2. H

    Morning After Pill:

    @ Kailex: Answer is YES We are going to have sex within the next couple of days, but naturally she has fears of getting pregnant, like any responsible person would have. Her not being able to take the regular pill is not an excuse, but rather a condition. She would be on the pill if...
  3. H

    Emergency Contraception - Plan B / morning after pill

    Have you never ejaculated inside of her while wearing a condom? If not, then what are your main fears? Condom breaking is a given, but what else could go wrong?
  4. H

    Morning After Pill:

    If any of you dipsh!ts actually read the threads I made prior to this one, you would know that I was fully open and honest regarding the relationship and our sexual state. Unlike some of you, sex isn't everything for everyone, and some people prefer waiting. I respect her even more knowing that...
  5. H

    Morning After Pill:

    How many times has she taken it before? Is it true that the more times she uses it the less effective it becomes? On that note, what does she take on a regular basis? Is she on the normal pill that she has to take every day? My gf cant take the normal one due to medical reasons, so is there...
  6. H

    Emergency Contraception - Plan B / morning after pill

    Are these pills the type that she has to take every day? Or just after we have sex? I am trying to find a method where she does not have to take a pill every day type of thing... is there anything in the market that could accommodate this preference? The pharmacist that I spoke to told me that...
  7. H

    Morning After Pill:

    I have a question about the morning after pill ... My gf is a virgin and she is not on birth control due to medical reasons. She is a virgin and is scared of getting pregnant if we have sex. When I mentioned the morning after pill to her, she mentioned to me that several of her friends who have...
  8. H

    Emergency Contraception - Plan B / morning after pill

    I have a question about the morning after pill ... My gf is a virgin and she is not on birth control due to medical reasons. She is a virgin and is scared of getting pregnant if we have sex. When I mentioned the morning after pill to her, she mentioned to me that several of her friends who have...
  9. H

    Girlfriend still talks with ex who has strong feelings for her:

    @ jophil28: Thank you for the constructive advise. Though I highly doubt that she is the type to do that, but if she did, then I would tell her that one of the things that I am not willing to negotiate or tolerate in a relationship is dishonesty. Once trust is broken, especially about...
  10. H

    Girlfriend still talks with ex who has strong feelings for her:

    No woman is perfect, every woman has her own set of issues / downfalls / etc.. so if you're looking for someone that is PERFECT then you will never be happy in a relationship in the long run, because there will always be SOMETHING that you're not happy with. You're setting yourself up for an...
  11. H

    Girlfriend still talks with ex who has strong feelings for her:

    5 years ago i was 23, not 18 :confused: I have no idea why I would have said I was 18??? hmm.. Anyways, back to the point: 1) You say if she is head over heels for me she has no character... Why is that? 2) You say that it doesn't seem to be the case for things to work out.. but how do...
  12. H

    Girlfriend still talks with ex who has strong feelings for her:

    She doesn't talk to him on the phone at all, just over IM, once every few nights according to her. 1) I never said she was an angel, if you read my previous posts properly. 2) The reasons I made this thread are also stated in my previous posts, but just to remind you, it was more to get a...
  13. H

    Girlfriend still talks with ex who has strong feelings for her:

    Thanks for the replies 5string: I think that what makes this situation "unique" is the circumstances. If he was also in the states now then I would definitely have a problem with them talking to be honest. But given that they will only maybe see each other again in 5 years from now, and the...
  14. H

    Girlfriend still talks with ex who has strong feelings for her:

    Thank you again for a solid and caring reply. The issue here, is that.. Is it really disrespectful for her to keep contact with him? I mean, what makes it so disrespectful? She has made it clear to him that they can only be friends and strictly talk to one another as such. I have been...
  15. H

    Girlfriend still talks with ex who has strong feelings for her:

    That was a learning experience, and there is no way in hell that you can compare that girl with the girl I am with currently. She is nothing like the previous one, this girl makes me feel like she would do anything for me and for my happiness, she isn't full of sh!t, quiet the contrary actually...
  16. H

    Girlfriend still talks with ex who has strong feelings for her:

    I'll say again, I do read everything everyone has said to me in this thread, and have put thought into it too. But let me ask you this then: If you were in my shoes right now, what would you do? 1) Keeping in mind that she is willing to cut contact with her ex if that's what i want 2)...
  17. H

    Girlfriend still talks with ex who has strong feelings for her:

    1) I have known this chick (and observed her from a distance) for over 3 years. 2) The way I perceive and envision her in my head is purely based on what she has thus far, proven to me in many ways, words, actions, gestures, and the time we spend together. 3) I do not ignore her "flaws", I...
  18. H

    Girlfriend still talks with ex who has strong feelings for her:

    Clearly you havn't read all my posts through if this is the perception you have of me :) And trust me, I have taken everything that has been said here to heart, but what do you expect me to do? Dump her now? hahaha... bro, don't jump to conclusions and don't put words into my mouth. I guess...
  19. H

    Girlfriend still talks with ex who has strong feelings for her:

    hahaha, wow.. some of you guys here are unbelievable.. you are very pessimistic and negative, I wouldn't be surprised if you guys talking all this sh!t are are single. The way in which you jump to conclusions about a woman / situation is pathetic at the very least. Anyways, for those of you...
  20. H

    How do you guys feel about texting?

    I think that the key word that you are looking for is: BALANCE! Texting has its pro's (Example: Having time to think and deliver better thought out / calculated responses) Phone: As stated above : - Also helps you feel more comfortable with her for the next ingredient... Face To...