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  1. L

    ever been caught????

    ac/dc i hope youre joking...or 12 friend walked in while i was pounding some chick in her parents bedroom. was undressin this chic and her parents came knockin once, had to hide behind the door think thats about it
  2. L

    Brazilian chick

    say you have a "pinto gigante"
  3. L

    Wierdest places to have sex in...

    my friends mum's bedroom while the mum was in the kitchen.
  4. L

    phone call protocol question

    protocol screws ya, to each his own just make sure you dont call her and tell her you have nothing else to do or you just woke up...doesnt impress.
  5. L

    Mall pickup how-tos?

    well theyre paid to be nice to customers so good luck judging interest! its kindof sad tho because they cant really reject you and walk away they still havto be nice. sometimes when a shop assistant pays particualar attention to me i get a name and flirt abit but i wont take it any further.
  6. L

    FR: My First Rejection. Man it hurts !

    same thing happened to me and i was cut bout it but u know what, 5 mins later i spotted this hot chick checkin me dancin and slowly danced towards her 5 mins later i was hookin up with her. dont let rejection get to you man, chicks get approached all the time and they reject all they time noone...
  7. L

    I need expirienced DJ's or anyone who knows how to deal with these preppy b1tches.

    preppy chicks are fun and hot, whats not to like? so what if they have baggage you dont have to marry them. theyre not really a different species of human, as long as youre dressed well and shower frequently theyll treat u right