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  1. C

    Explain why this is pissing me off...

    Sigh. You guys are right. I know it was just something that was going to take a little cool down time to get over. I was mad at him, but he has to understand that I still don't like her. The thing of it is, I often hear advice from many posts of 'if they treat you like ****, stop being...
  2. C

    Explain why this is pissing me off...

    4 years ago, I was lead on by this chick, ended badly. Oh well, I moved on. I am now happily girlfriended for 10 months, and the thought of that other girl doesn't bother me at all. But now, I find out that my best man, who was even with me when I was (I dont wan't to say heartbroken, but...
  3. C

    parents walked in

    How long have the two of you been going out? If you've been together for numerous months, they know you guys kiss and the what not. If you were caught with her shirt off, however, yeah - as a parent, I would be mad.
  4. C

    MySpace...Is it good or bad?

    I wouldn't become addicted to it. I detest blogs in general, but I used myspace so my girlfriend and I could keep somewhat in touch when she was in italy for half a month on vacation. (no cell... time diff made AIM impossible). I'd say make one - just for the sake of striking up a...
  5. C

    Guys...come to my aid!

    You just described my last lady interest before I got with my girlfriend (thank god.) Same. Exact. Things. Avoid associating with her, you don't have to wage war on her by any means, but it would be better if you didn't associate with her any longer. Her name doesn't begin with a K, by...
  6. C

    Christian girlfriends... a few questions..

    Im nearly 20, she's nearly 17. We've been together 6 months, and thusfar our relaitonship has followed the DJB to a T, from attraction, to dating, and even falling in love. This is, in all respects, some real down to wuss beatching on my part. She is very Christian. Not so Christian that...
  7. C

    How do you deal with troubled friends?

    I have a friend, let's call him Jack. He has a girlfriend, lets call her Amy. The two of them have been going out for months, and this is the 3rd time they've been a couple. (after breaking up, and hooking up again over and over). She's been a reeeaall ***** to him, and always puts him in...
  8. C

    Best Way to Get a Job? (I'm 16)

    Just some pointers (as being one who works for one of the most norotious managers in our town) -Be polite. (employers dont want rude teenage rebels under them..unless you apply for hot topic..) -Dress well. (Collared shirt, some nice pants. You want to be more formal than casual, but...
  9. C

    need some advice

    I'm going to have to put my pockets worth on this one, better than starting a new thread, after all. You might get something out of it, Ill need a little affirmation though heh. My advice to you is to go with it. You didnt mention any real baggage to speak of, it seems more like the...
  10. C

    How do I deal with a gay guy?

    Look, kid. There is absolutely no reason to hate someone because their homosexual. If you don't like him as a person (hes an *******, stupid, backstabbing) thats one thing. But to disassociate yoruself from him when, fro what it seems, he has been nothing but a friend to you - that's...
  11. C

    I did it! First step to recovery!

    Well, we both told each other off. Sad, but ultimately her loss. Waste of time indeed. Thanks for the support though guys. At least I dont feel bad about it. She was pretty pissed that we couldnt be friends... heh. Oh well.
  12. C

    I did it! First step to recovery!

    hmm.. I should have probably mentioned she is 15, and that a reason she didnt hang out with me could very well have been her parents didnt let her.. no matter though. I don't think she hung out with him, but I don't really care. If she comes back, then I do believe I will take her, if not -...
  13. C

    I did it! First step to recovery!

    The short: Liked girl. Taked to girl. Some other guy talks to girl. Guy asks girl out. Guy dumps her. I ask her our. She says no. We both act like we're going out anyway, though. Anyways. A while ago I asked her if she wanted to hang out after school she said she'd like to if her...
  14. C

    Make a choice.

    So, to say that I (people) should live their lives solely on the principles, needs, wants and opinions of themselves and not define themselves by that (principles, needs, wants opinions) of other people? Not to not care, but to not faulter your own ideals based upon a conflicting viewpoint of...
  15. C

    Did I screw up? Should I even continue?

    Im not there simply to bang her though. Besides, reading up on florida law, once shes 16, its legal with consent. didnt say anything about under 16 though... In any case. Im just going to see how it plays out. I have a new sence of confidence, I just rememberd im Scottish.... heh.
  16. C

    Did I screw up? Should I even continue?

    True. Thanks for the advice. Heh, if I end up dying a virgin, at least Im pretty much garunteed into heaven, right? /joke Thanks, peace. ect.
  17. C

    Did I screw up? Should I even continue?

    Thats some good advice. I know I can hold that, in fact, thats whats been keeping me all day, thinking I know it will work. The only thing that puzzles me, though, is according to the DJ bible, it seems that once you've screwed up aka: 'what do you want to do, sence negative body language...
  18. C

    Did I screw up? Should I even continue?

    I guess so. It just sucks that I end up trying and failing with women I would really like to be with.
  19. C

    Did I screw up? Should I even continue?

    I suppose, but by I meant I will never be a DJ, is that I cant find myself going after woman after woman, as though they were nothing. I typically have to have the interest in them before I am willing to make a move, not just hit on every hot girl I see. Anyway, So, you think it's...
  20. C

    Did I screw up? Should I even continue?

    I met this girl a few weeks ago. She came to stay the night with my sister and her friend, but we ended up staying up extremely late talking by ourselves. The thing is, she is 15, and I am 19. After a few days, she IMed me on AIM and we started talking, I found out shes into alot of the stuff...