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  1. R

    Need help closing

    Well I know the exhusband info is true because it was my friend that told me and she confirmed and I've met the guy. Total AFC. But for the most part I think you are right, she likes the attention, so she's holding on to the sex. I'm not planning on a relationship because she can't have one...
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    Need help closing

  3. R

    Need help closing

    I met an HB7.5 about a week ago at my friends house. He threw a get together and wanted to introduce me to someone he and his wife knows (HB8). No one ever really introduced us and she stayed in the group of 5-8 women every time I looked so I never really walked up to introduce myself. Well the...
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    FR: Number close at the club

    So im out alone after my friends left the club to go home. I head to the dance floor to find a girl to dance. Find one, ask her name and stick my hand out to lead her to a different spot on the dance floor but still near her friends. She dances with me for about 15 seconds then moves over to one...
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    f/r: Brought home two chicks

    Well Im proud of you L777. You posted 3 LR's about this last weekend and the completely negate any and all respect from me by being a douche in the LR's of another. Everyone should be inspired by you and learn not to be a douche for the sake of being a douche.
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    Translation needed please!

    anytime a woman says something like this she is trying to get a reaction from you to prove to herself that you are less of a man than she is currently dating. a proper response would be," If you were a little cuter, i might have allowed it " whenever a woman says something that completely...
  7. R

    Quality over quantity, or vice versa?

    that is signature worthy right there
  8. R

    Can't come up with a good reply for some reason...

    Try turning the psycho killer thing around on her as well. Could be fun to introduce her as your stalker.
  9. R

    Bulking Up

    everything already suggested seems like all you need. one thing that I would like to emphasize to you is to work out until failure. Keep going until you cannot do another repetition. Dont start this until after the first few weeks because you will REALLY hurt the next day, but once you start...
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    what to say

    her: im bored you: lets go grab a coffee and f\/ck her: no way! you: what? you dont like coffee? dont really say that, but you should get the drift. her telling you she is bored is her way of saying,"im bored, be a man and come rescue me from my boredom" if she complains about work, just tell...
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    Body language game - write a caption for the images!

    #1 Mark : "if this woman doesn't pay more attention to me im going to hit her" Julie : "i'd rather this guy hit me in the face than continue talking" #2 mark : "my penis is 12 inches.... in diameter!" julie : "so is your vagina!" #3 mark : "so I was at this party last week..." julie...
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    Need some input

    thanks for the input. i just called her up to try to set something up and she says she's busy all day. classes from 9-2 and work 2:30 - 9:00. i talked to her a little and she said that her tanning salon only hires girls i tried to use the discrimination against guys thing and she didn't go for...
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    Can Dr. Phil help me with me get a chick?

    no, he cannot. However, he can turn you into an emotional tampon!
  14. R

    Why I'm An AlphaMale Who Will Never Fvck A Hot Babe In His Life

    wow man... if you can go down on a girl and make her *** it doesn't matter how small your **** is, she'll let you stick your big toe up there for all it matter. as long as it can reach 5 cm's inside and hit that G-spot it doesn't matter.
  15. R

    Need some input

    I chatted up a girl this weekend at a wedding. She was the most attractive girl at the wedding, much less that i've ever opened (HB10, I have only met a few other HB10's in 4 years of bartending). We were in line at the bar and, I opened with small talk about my drink and asked what she thought...
  16. R

    When they hit you ?

    wow some of these answers are interesting! when a girl hits me, i tell her that in some parts of the country it can be considered sexual harassment and if it keeps up you will be forced to defend your manhood with a retaliatory spanking. 99% of the time she hits me again basically giving me...
  17. R

    Girlfriend broke up with me

    another relationship is the last thing on my mind right now. I am going to take the whole summer off just enjoy my life.
  18. R

    Girlfriend broke up with me

    well here's another question... do i try to find out if she cheated on me with another guy or not? obviously she's going to say no, but i have a good idea of who it could be and im pretty sure i can get him to man up about it. especially since im not trying to get her back. I just feel like i...
  19. R

    Girlfriend broke up with me

    sounds like im already on track then. its been a year or so since i've hit the gym and i planned on going first thing in the morning to get a membership. im starting to realize more and more that she's not right for me though. Ill be graduating from college in a few semesters and she dropped out...
  20. R

    Girlfriend broke up with me

    so i've been dating this girl for 2.5 years. Im 24, she's 21 in a week. I love her. Couple days ago she tells me that she needs her space, and she needs to find herself. We've been dating since she got out of high school and she's never really had time to go through the party scene. Now she...