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  1. D

    The official Acne thread [Merged threads]

    i know what you mean,i'm 26ish and always get them just as i'm about to go anywhere. My advice is stop eating fried foods(that really does work) washing twice a day and cutting down on junk food like crisps..that worked for me,it took a week to get going but it really does show the difference
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    The Fart Method

    ok thats 1 of the stranger sarging tactics i've heard but what ever works for you:D
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    UK-DJ Meetup

    anyone from the devon area who wants to wing give us a bell
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    Count Dracular

    amen to that...wht the hell has dracula got to do with picking up women...i'm not amazing with women but come on guys dracula
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    Free ebooklet on problems approaching.

    very good and very interesting,i'm gonna go out next time and keep a positive mind and approach wheather i get rejected or not.. a new era for dan hunter
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    LMAO - LAW: A man may not seduce a woman by lying....

    wow i wonder how many guys could sarge women without lying...i might field test this method of not lying in sarge:D
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    extremely shy girls (borderline anxiety disorder)

    i would just laugh at a woman if she said that to me then walk off, women moan they can't find decent blokes and when they come along they use evry excuse in the book to get rid of them
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    Clubs are Worthless

    that must be why you get no women then :D
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    Caring too much about what others think?

    i used to get worried what others think of me but now it doesn't bother me. To get rid of your fear do things like dance on and empty dance floor Karoke on your own show no fear what ever you do and always be positive
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    Girls buying you drinks?

    i very rarely buy women drinks unless i know them or get something in return. if they buy me a drink i pretend to walk off like most WOMEN do when men buy THEM drinks
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    Approaching for "practice"

    even if they reject you straight away don't panic,if you got her name and have a good memory use could use it in the future like you said. when you feel your very confident at your game and can approach anyone you could approach her already knowing her name..acting like you know her
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    What lifes about

    i think lifes about women sex and well more sex :)
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    WORST rejection stories for fun!

    i saw this young girl in a bar in Ibiza and thought about talking to i built up loads of courage (it was along time ago i was and went over and said "hey how you doing".... i had the best rejection line ever,she said "NO" in a mean nasty voice,i was shattered and...
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    Going out on your own?!

    going out on your own can be fun it's always better with a wing,your wing makes the night better...
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    i have to strip down in front of class!

    if you have something on covering yourself you should be can't hurt really,it shows you have guts and not afraid of big crowds...
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    question about "being friends"

    it's not all over cuz i've been friends with females for a long time and ended up in a pretty long relationship with them after... just be yourself
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    The importance of shoes...

    i normally try to wear something different from most guys cuz everyone seems to have the same shoe.. try different colours,it worked for me...i was suprised when i found out how much shoes matter:p
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    Drugs as a Tool?

    all i'm gonna say is drugs aint clever or funny in any way shape or form.. never tried them never will not even to get women
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    Do AFC's deserve to be enlightened by us

    i've talked a couple of AFC friends about the powers of seduction and websites like this but they seem to to just let it go over there if they feel embarressed to talk about it... there loss at the end of the day:rolleyes:
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    How Many of You Still Fear the Approach?

    well being form the U.K ( the best country in the world ) i can say that most of us brits do approach wheather it's abroad or in our own country.. don't where u got your info about not approaching HB's but it aint true :)