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  1. D

    My Status

    I know what your saying.. I had to move to a new city and setup a new business from home. I knew no one when I got here and business contacts were like old married men. Anyway.. now (6mths later) I have a bunch of male and female friends. Have had heaps of sex with a whole bunch of women who...
  2. D

    Girl I'm keen on says she's just broken up...

    Hey man... 1) If you want it.. yes.. and yes you may fall into the friends trap. 2) You can hang with her.. be cool. Lean back.. don't stop touching her.. but do it naturally.. touch her while taling.. be cool but just chill out.. like you don't really care about her. Don't talk about her...
  3. D

    Where do you find homebody's?

    Nope.. not that rare if thats what you really want... but take a few pointers into consideration... is the quiet non party girl going to be in a bar?... Maybe... friends do drag them out occasionally... Is she going to be approachable in a bar? ... Probably not.. her ASD shield will be...
  4. D

    Please offer Advice to an Rafc-->Read

    Hey man.. sounds like your trying hard... maybe too hard. Just cause you get a woman laughing doesn't mean she's gonna sleep with you. I've known plenty a funny man that don't get laid. Sure kino can be important.. but again I've got a bunch of friends that go for heavy Kino without...
  5. D


    Hey well either you're doing the psycopath smile.. or you just had a bad day .. OR they were just cold women that had their own issues. Point being.. don't worry about it too much and keep going. For a *good* way to smile at a girl.. get the movie Alfie with Jude Law out and watch how he...
  6. D

    stuck in a sandwich

    Start dating both.. and see which one you actually like better and is better suited to your needs / desires. I don't see what the big dilemma is. Just cause you date doesn't mean you are exclusive there and then. Once you made up your mind and you decide to only see one.. let the other one know...
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    Gunwitch/DJ philosophy split

    I think that GWM plays a VERY important role in any relationship/rapport/flirt. I think you guys need to stop taking it so literally... ok Gun says **** THE ***** THERE AND THEN. This isn't my style either... however.. his escalation for when you eventually want to get physical with a girl is a...
  8. D

    Is she in or is she out?

    Hey... i'm not sure if I got you fully but from what I'm reading you really like this girl and would like to have an exclusive LTR with her... and the fact that she wants to keep dating other men is chewing you up. Personally If I get to a level where I want to have an exclusive LTR with a...
  9. D

    When to stop calling and let her make the effort??

    I'd say that it depends how much you actually desire this woman. Sure thats running into one-itis etc.. but the fact may be that you haven't spent enough time with her to really dig you. And it does take time. Not all women are going to be all ON immediatly and some will take longer than others...
  10. D

    Time to be honest

    To ask a question like this means that your just starting. Frankly I'm sure there is a certain element of bull****.. and just people trying to boost their egos by posting on here trying to get respect. Also why the **** do you really care how many women or what age a person lost their...
  11. D

    A string of broken dates all in a

    Hey Ogre.. ok I think I may have some advice although its always hard to judge externally... The main problem that I am picking up is that you are sounding like you are catering to their needs too much. Ie: You always seem to call back to re-confirm etc. Stop doing this its making you...
  12. D

    got some good techniques on getting head?

    Getting head could also have to do with what your area down there looks like... if you got some MEGA bush going on.. i know a lot of women won't really like it... i mean like us.. if there is a forrest I never eat a woman. So consider making yourself more appetising. I also agree with...
  13. D

    Just a positive story...

    Been seeing a lot of negativity on here lately.. problems, people that are hurt etc. etc... so I thought i'd share a postivive field report. I was @ the supermarket a week ago when I saw this cutey out of the corner of my eye. I approached her isle.. opened her with a lame (what would you...
  14. D

    Too used to being alone, hard to change

    In reading this thread quickly it seems filled with excuses.. "I like this".. I just want to sleep around.. date casually... seems like women today are just nutty" ..etc Stop making excuses for yourself. The fact is there are ALL TYPES of women out there. There are nutty women, crazy women...
  15. D

    How have/would you react if your GF.....

    Now this being a DJ board I think you need to rephrase your question to something like : Need help - Just found out my gf is bi, how do I bang her and her friends? :D Cmon man.. this is GOOOOLD! Yes if it was a *serious* relationship you'd have a few hang ups... but if you can find a way...
  16. D

    Avoid Being too Sleazy?

    Careful of thinking like this.. this is one of the biggest mis conceptions ever.. (unless you live in a population 10,000 city) Women are not magically somehow interconnected and a **** up with one will not automatically spread to ALL women. Its funny how you relate that fear to cold...
  17. D

    Avoid Being too Sleazy?

    Hey someperson.. i think by the tone of your message that you have some real fear of approaching and opening women... and don't worry thats what grips most people in the world and makes the DJs so unique and score waaaay more *****. :D Fact is you could break it down and say 1) He didn't...
  18. D

    You think she's playing games???

    Personally I like the Gun philosophy to Nexting these days.. ie: Until she flat out tells you **** off, walks away or doesn't respond anymore its on! I mean seriously what have you got to loose to peruse it till the end? DROP the EGO.. who gives a **** if she after a while doesn't reply...
  19. D

    Mixed messages WTF is going on???

    Hey, I think you have to decide if you want to have her as a GF again or not 1st. if you don't - Hit it whenever you feel like it, do whatever you feel like.. BUT START BOOTCAMP or something to get you meeting new women. if you do - hit it MAX 2 times a week.. and don't call her for...
  20. D

    Cheating: Pro's and Con's

    Cheating doesn't exist its a state of mind, based entirly on your own social programming and conditioning. The only reality is what you can deal with and what you cannot deal with. If you can deal with sleeping with a third party and then not having any issues of going back to the woman you...