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    Why do girls do this?

    Who knows? :crazy:
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    Girl wants to be friends and hangout

    Go for it:yes: She's giving you another shot or... who knows? Sounds like you want it so go for it:yes:
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    What the hell does this mean??????!?!?

    :whistle: Who knows? Return the favor and act the same way towards her until she gets it:kick:
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    Difference between approaching 7's and 8's, and 9's and 10's?

    The less attractive ones naturally have lower self esteem- be more sensitive with them:D
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    Girlfriend Drinking with Co-Workers...

    Break it off-- dump her and be vague when questioned-- she'll either figure it out or she's not worth it:D
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    about being honest...

    Well you've asked a very good, but very complicated question flyinshark. To me honesty is the best policy, but words can be misconstrued so you have to be careful what you say to women especially due to the fact that they operate on their feelings more than their thoughts. You also cannot lose...
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    Line between kino and too much touching?

    I believe in taking it slow at first. Stir the waters with your toe before you jump into an icy lake. You can tell by light touching at first whether or not she's receptive to more. You also have to make it look casual and spontaneous rather than calculating or pushy. Don't look at your hand...
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    how to act in certain situations

    You have to do something or it will never end. These guys don't have special powers, they can't read you, they try this sh*t on everybody. If you pay close attention most guys will joke back with them, subtly putting them back in their place. You can do this, you can stare, look away, and...
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    The New Generation of Women

    Some of you guys talk about chicks as if they were aliens or some sh*t. It's really funny, I guess some people need to vent. Men can be just as irrational as women, and often are. We're really more alike than most of us like to think. The joke is, we act emotionally ourselves, but expect...
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    what you do when they say......

    Just a shot in the dark here but oh well: She could have percieved your timidity as a challenge and is using the boyfriend bluff to bait you into making a move and tipping your hand.
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    Chubby Chasers? WTF?

    They're afraid you think you're better than them or something.
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    Chubby Chasers? WTF?

    Very true. Some people will try and hold you back once you begin to succeed.
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    F-buddy advice

    Very, very, true. However, if it's about what you want then you have to make yourself clear.
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    Chubby Chasers? WTF?

    Re: Chunk vs. Hunk This is what ugly guys tell each other in order to feel better about the situation. If a girl says she doesn't judge by looks she just doesn't want to hurt your feelings. As for the "chubby chasing" I've seen this in men and women and I always say "that sick...
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    F-buddy advice

    Re: Re: Re: Who you callin' '*****'? Okay sorry. :o The way it looked I regretted even responding to your question.
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    F-buddy advice

    Re: Who you callin' '*****'? naughty post:cool:
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    drivin in the car with a cougar

    I'm just kidding man, sorry. Anyways what the hell is a "cougar girl"??????
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    drivin in the car with a cougar

    Because John E has terrible hand-eye coordination BTW: what's a "cougar girl"???