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    Wreckless's Approach Journal (From Dud to Stud)

    a little help It is good that you are approaching . But your conversation seems a little boring . Try throwing in a compliment about something she is wearing . This I believe will increase her attraction for you .
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    Everyone On This Forum Is A Loser!

    Wait a minute Dreamxhenry you are not a loser . You only lack a little self confidence. You are still a teenager and things will get better for you . I can tell you that some of the ideas on this site actually work.
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    Getting asked to dance guaranteed

    Dance with 10 girls and one girl will ask you . Dance with 20 girls and 2 girls will ask you and so on.This havs been proven the last 5 times I went out. They see you as a fun guy that won't turn them down. You can take it from there .
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    "Buy me a Drink."

    Buy me a drink. Sure give me a kiss.
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    losing a game of phone tag.

    I agree judge her by her actions and you will never be confused . No return phone calls = not interested
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    Signs of High Interest

    This is all crazy and too much to remember .If you talk to a girl and she talks to you in a friendly manor she is interested .If she gives you one word answers she is not . To expand on her initial interest this is where your inner game comes into play .This is what is important. period
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    The Power of the Embrace

    excellent tip, this is what I do all the time and have never had a bad reaction
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    pickups on the street

    I am not chasing after anyone .Iam just saying that if you want to get over some of your fear of approaching a women this is a good first step.
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    pickups on the street

    What I have learned is never just say anthing to a chick while she is walking by. Like nice shoes or hey red is my favorite color. these statements just don't get their attention 99% of the time , Just stop them with a big smile and ask them a question about whatever or where's this or that ...
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    asking out nervously?

    Practice make perfect .I usually say something like .I am going to whatever tonight and you can come along if you like.If she says yes then say great if she says no ,also say great now I can take my girlfriend and just laugh. you will feel a lot better try it .
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    signs of high interest

    very simple .ask her out a second time if she agrees right away she is .If she gives you any excuse and I mean any she is not that really interested.
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    It depends on the situation.Being introduced use a hand shake .Going on a first date or blind date I give a hug .I never had a bad responce to this.
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    Follow up on date w 45-year old woman

    The only way you should go to Italy is if she pays for you .You are the prize here. She is real happy to be with a younger guy.Tell her you would really love to go but can't afford it right now .
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    Everything but Sex

    Look give her a little bit more time but not too much more time. Really romance her and see if that helps .You never mentioned how old she is which is .Eighteen I would understand her .Thirty five move on she has got problems.
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    How to respond, when a woman is interested.

    keep her guessing a little .this is her little tests .I always answer these questions with the same questions right back at her.Tell her we are having a good time right know and let nature take it course.
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    A question for all the DJ's!

    My question to you is why are you putting yourself in these situations when you go out with your girl .Try to upgrade yourself and go to better places and meet better people. Be a thinker There comes a time though that you might have to stand up for yourself.
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    Openers & Routines

    When you go out .Just have some fun and relax .It seems that you are putting to much pressure on yourself.You are probably thinking of things to try and impress her and make her like you . This is wrong .Once you relax you conversational skills will improve .Try this "Hi I like your...