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    Odorless Alcoholic Drinks? (limiting the smell when drinking)

    Hi, we all know that smell is important to women and we wear nice smelling cologne etc to appeal to their enhanced sense of smell, but is this not contradictory to our drinking of ultra abhorant smelling beverages that we swill down in nightclubs etc? What i am wondering is this....what...
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    Obscessive Psycho ***** Plz HELP

    Also, i did want her as a **** buddy, but because she texts me so much i feel bad about that because she seems to like me so much. She wanted me to have a drink with her tonight.. I text her saying 'we need to talk about a few things, do you feel like going for a walk?' SHe has not text back.
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    Obscessive Psycho ***** Plz HELP

    dude, i did make it plain that we are not in a relationship, i made it very plain...perhaps i need to make it plainer. Also, i have no problem with goths, or i didnt have a problem with goths but now i see them in a different light. Of course they are not all psychos, anyway you are right, im...
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    Obscessive Psycho ***** Plz HELP

    ok, so i have boned a goth. Im not proud of it but i did, i have made it very clear to her before doing her that we are FRIENDS and that we are not going to have a relationship. SHe tells me 'fine' but then goes on about relationships and basically how she wants one with me. She says that i am...
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    21 yr old virgin

    Dice, The not talking thing is very similar to me aswell. I was thinking about my situation and this is the biggest problem i have i think, i don't want to be alone with a girl because i have nothing to say! In groups i can often be somewhat witty at times but most of the time i just...
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    21 yr old virgin

    Hi, I was just wondering if anyone else is in my situation here, im 21 years old and have never had a girlfriend. I have never even asked a girl out, ive hardly ever shown any interest towards any girl that i really liked. Also, I have noticed that i seem to start to fancy girls that i get...
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    Anyone Want to start a DJ Bootcamp session after the new Year?

    Ok, how about this I think that the team thing is a good idea... how about teams of 4 or 5? we can group them according to how close we live together, or age or something. I think that it is a good idea to have all the UK guys together. POST YOUR AGE AND LOCATION. If we are of a...
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    Anyone Want to start a DJ Bootcamp session after the new Year?

    IM IN. It's time for me to step up and do what I've got to do. 1. Has a good reason to do this - Yeah I got a good reason to do this: I have never had a girlfriend, never gotten laid and am a chronic procrastinator in every area of life. I am haunted by the sucessful life that I know I could...
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    Has anyone completed the Bootcamp in the U.K???

    I would love to do this, but i don't know if i will be able to make it! You see, I have this problem, I'm a big Puszy. I know that this bootcamp is what I need to improve my life, get into shape and become the man I want to be and live my dreams, but I am unsure if I can go through with it...
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    Anyone Want to start a DJ Bootcamp session after the new Year?

    I would like to be in I would love to do this, but i don't know if i will be able to make it! You see, I have this problem, I'm a big Puszy. I know that this bootcamp is what I need to improve my life, get into shape and become the man I want to be nad live my dreams, but I am unsure if I...
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    Scared of losing my virginity

    Sheesh, im nearly 21 and im still a virgin Ok, I saw this thread and read the sob stories and just thought i would add to the list. Yes, i am a virgin. I have worried about this a lot in the past but it doesnt seem to bother me as much as it used to, i mean about 6 months ago i almost had a...
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    Quite Urgent, please give opinion

    Ok, let me give you some more details about this situation. She is friends with some mates of mine and i would rather not 'love her and leave her' because it might piss my mates off a bit. I dont want to shiit where i eat so to speak. Secondly, .... kinda shameful i suppose, but im a bit of a...
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    Quite Urgent, please give opinion

    Hi, I met this girl in a bar on monday and it is now thursday afternoon and i have still not given her a call/text/ whatever, so I think if im going to do it i need to do it soon. We did some heavy kissing etc, feeling her butt and dancing crazily, we were both quite drunk i think. The problem...
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    Procedure for first online date

    jesus christ... Are you guys men ('dj's') or a bunch of fvcking little girls complaining about your precious little message board and how its beeing crapped up...who fuc.king cares? isn't it the real world you should be worried about? the stuff was posted once and on my reply it wasnt there...
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    Procedure for first online date

    also, ive read about phone calls in these situations, should i speak to her on the phone before we meet or should we organise it online?
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    Procedure for first online date

    So anyway, i have spoken to a girl that i met online twice and each time we have talked about getting together and a bit of stuff anbout her. She says she will be free next week, so im thinking that ill get her number and organise a coffe/drink with her so we can chat a bit (im thinking we...
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    Girl says she likes me but doesnt want a relationship

    thanks for the replys guys
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    Girl says she likes me but doesnt want a relationship

    Ok, so should i go out and fVck another girl to show the girl i have other options? wouldnt she then just dump me straight and ill have no more option with her? or would she be jealous enough to finally get with me?...or perhaps i should be showing a lot more interest in other girls when im...
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    Trim your pubes?

    Just a quick question about this, what do girls think of a man that trims his pubes? I mean does it seem kinda prissy or gay or self obsessed or what or do they appreciate it? I mean im thinking that some girls are gunna wonder about a guy that trims his pubes...
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    Girl says she likes me but doesnt want a relationship

    i have a new question here that hasnt been answered yet, please give a reply. cheers