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  1. G

    Something too many people on this site are missing.

    100 % agree. The things women are drawn to, are really just things that come naturally with enriching your life. Money comes from having career ambitions, etc. Getting buff comes from have the discipline to go to the gym. Dressing well/looking good comes from having pride and...
  2. G

    Universal Dress Code

    As far as the "status" brands go, a good way to pull this off is to get shoes/accessories (watches, belts, shades, etc) in name brands. That way, no matter what clothes you have on, you always have something of high status to anchor your look. It's also more acceptable to wear shoes/accessories...
  3. G

    Should I get a Plenty of Fish account??

    The main thing to realize about POF is that it's about catching a girl at the RIGHT TIME. Most girls succumb to online dating when they're in need, ie just broke up with someone, want to sleep w/ a guy none of their friends know, just moved and don't know anyone, etc. Once you catch a girl at...
  4. G

    Texting for Maximum Attraction

    Good stuff. Texting definitely affects your game...every girl I know texts and loves to receive texts. I personally use them because I am usually talking to multiple girls at once and I prefer to text since I'm at work all day. It's just more convenient for me. Love how you said you have to...
  5. G

    Girls Just Grind Me, No Conversation

    It's pretty common. If you like her, whisper a compliment in her ear when the song is about to end and ask her for her name. Tell her she was a good dancer. You can usually get her # this way without even buying a drink.. PS don't wander around the dance floor asking all the sexy girls to...
  6. G

    Should I get a Plenty of Fish account??

    Well said. You actually want to be more direct on POF than real-life so you don't waste time.. Ask for those dirty pics and gauge her response. If she sends them, she's down as long as you show her the right attention for the right amount of time (won't be too long..sometimes a few nights of...
  7. G

    Should I get a Plenty of Fish account??

    You can get laid off POF...but there's a couple of things to know. 1. Don't put in too much effort. It is a quantity over quality thing. Friend requests actually do work. 2. Check the girls who viewed you but didn't say anything. They usually do think you're attractive but are waiting...
  8. G

    A College Acquaintance (Help Needed)

    Use it as leverage...tell her you don't usually do so, but you'll give her a chance to make it up to you. If she likes you, she WILL make it up to you.
  9. G

    2 big things almost everyone here is missing

    I agree with this. Getting buff is key. Females are biologically drawn to dominant men and the way they identify them is by their body, esp their upper shoulders, chest, back. Think about it, almost all of us guys would entertain a female with a banging body NO MATTER WHAT was wrong with...
  10. G

    Texting for Maximum Attraction

    Does someone have a guide/tips for texting for maximum attraction with a girl who you just recently met. I do realize that most attraction is built through body language, etc and that a phone call is better. However, in today's day and age, texting has become a reality. Some girls give you the...
  11. G

    facial hair growin quicker

    How do u make ur facial hair grow quicka...sometimes it grows alot enuff 4 the sideburns 2 connect etc but if i shave it takes a long time 2 grow back sometimes, but sometimes it doesnt...which is annoyin and iono why it happens. Does anythin make facial hair grow quciker?
  12. G

    Crashed and burning...

    NOt necessarily...I know alow of gurls that say this and mean the exact opposite (i dunno exacty why they do this)...but I know many a gurl who when I say something nasty tot hem about us ****in or somethin they be like "we cant do that we friends" and we end up doing it...
  13. G

    getting expelled (must peep)

    Just kiss her playboy..and leave your numba with her on the way out...that **** is gansgta and no matta wut happens you will be a legend...if u eva come back u gon get ***** from otha gurls cuz they gon be thinkin "damn he never did that to me"
  14. G

    telephone convo; should i worry?

    Good job, and u know that in a week or two she'll be on your **** right?
  15. G

    By The Way...

    Re: Re: By The Way... Seriously maynn, do you smoke weed??? Cuz I don't know what else might cause that much of a memory loss over 3 years, u mite wanna see a doctor about that unless its the weed jus cut down n quit eventually. If u wanna be smarter, jus sit back and observe more. Try...
  16. G

    My Ex....

    I aint **** her ova, and they are not friends anymore they don't talk cuz tha friend moved to a different state.
  17. G

    telephone convo; should i worry?

    Yea he is exactly right. Be busy. I told u to hang out wit her then not call all week on the assumption that she was the only gurl you were focusing on, a "primary target", which is a DJ no-no. I don't think you want to waste 2 weeks just to get her on yo **** even more so if shes the only...
  18. G

    My Ex....

    I feel what u sayin cuz u right and the only thing I might do is holla ar her in a real funny stupid-ass way jus 4 da hell of it and act real stupid, if anythin it'll have her laughin...and if the impossible happens all da better
  19. G

    My Ex.... impossible challenge is still a challenge!
  20. G

    telephone convo; should i worry?

    I would make sure I hang out wit her, then dont call her back after that. If she calls say you busy. She'll be on your ****, esp if she had a good time. Around Friday u can call her and when she start talkin about what yall did last weekend, u talk her into seeing u again dis weekend but...