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  1. J

    Do you find most of the tips at this site to be bullsh1t?

    Social skills is it. The reason everyone comes to this board is because they dont have the social skills to deal with talking and being around women. Its unfortunate but its what i'm starting to believe. As my social skills grow, finding and talking to women is getting easier. The...
  2. J

    Aussie girls

    On the subject on Americans coming over to Australia, we have Navy boats etc come in all the time. The chicks over here cant get enough of these guys regardless. Just being American makes them HUGELY popular. That seems to be the problem seasonedplayer. Its not what you know, but who you...
  3. J

    Jim Carrey keeps wasting our time!

    On the weekend I saw on tv a preview for the new Jim Carrey movie. I was excited for a second until i realised he's doing another art film, trying to prove he's a real actor. I'm getting sick of it. Here we have one of the greatest comic actors of all time and he doesnt even like doing...
  4. J

    Aussie girls

    So do you guys think that even asking for the number over here after one conversation would be considered extremely up front? I ask because it seems when i'm having a good conversation with a girl and go for the number it kinda stops things dead in their tracks. Seeing as SMSing is so...
  5. J

    masculine women?

    I enjoy "King of Queens" and I think Leah Remini is hot. I wouldnt say shes anywhere near as bad as Debra on Raymond as far as masculinity goes. On the show Cari works and still makes dinner for Doug and Arthur each night, and puts up with Dougs antics week after week. King of Queens...
  6. J

    Aussie girls

    Thanks guys :) What i've been doing is getting the number, making the call 2-3 days later and asking if they want to go out, then its usually next cos they cant make it. So this is not how things work over here? Are things much less formal? Are there any other things you can think of...
  7. J

    Aussie girls

  8. J

    Aussie girls

  9. J

    Aussie girls

    multiple posts
  10. J

    Aussie girls

    Thanks guys, I have been following what this forum says, never actually thinking that there may be a differance. Do you think that over here things lean more towards, and i hate saying it, becoming friends first then dating, especially if your looking for a LTR. I have this girl who is...
  11. J

    YES! My dark under eye circles are almost gone!

    Sure Jimbo, its a long story but :) Well, it was more a process of elimination really. My undereyes were really getting dark, almost kind of bruised looking. It really wasnt helping with the ladies, cos apart from them i'm an ok looking guy. So i went into my local store and brought...
  12. J

    Aussie girls

    Hey everyone. Is dating culture differant between American girls and Aussie girls? A lot of this site is obviously aimed towards American dating standards. Anyone know if there is a differance? Over here alot of things have been Americanised but is dating protical the same? The...
  13. J

    YES! My dark under eye circles are almost gone!

    Hey Lost, I'd say once a day at night would be best, it might irritate too much with 2-3 times a day. Just take it slow and it should be fine. Pete
  14. J

    YES! My dark under eye circles are almost gone!

    Hey guys, Just something i've found to be helpful with the gel. Lately i've been putting it on as usual after the shower, but waiting about 40 mins then very gently wiping it off with my finger and cold water. I think it gives it long enough to absorb into the skin, so just the right...
  15. J

    My story: self-fulfilling prophecy of negativity

    I feel that Chancer. Its no fun, is it? Try your best man, try to be nice to people and when you see a girl who you can talk to for a while, do your best to get her number, then go from there. You dont have to put up with feeling crap all the time. I've been there and it got old...
  16. J

    My story: self-fulfilling prophecy of negativity

    Alright. One time special. Cos I love this site. I'm going to let you guys in one what I like to call: The Jungleman Bootcamp :) Its perfect for guys who dont like approaching girls. Theres no approaching!! Thats right. You wont get rejected doing this bootcamp. Thats a guarantee :)...
  17. J

    So I got the needed!!

    Alrighty, I'll just play it cool, not mention her boyfriend, be fun and kino when I can. Ok, i feel better about it now! Thanks again!
  18. J

    So I got the needed!!

    Thanks PRL! Shes a pretty busy girl. Do you think she could just be mentioning that she has a boyfriend maybe as social proof for herself? To make herself more attractive?
  19. J

    So I got the needed!!

    Thanks Gentleman! Thats a really good point. She may only want to see me on the weekend to make sure i'm not going to just jerk her around. See if its worth leaving her borefriend for me. So, are you saying, be even more outgoing towards her? I have her mobile no. Would a SMS be out of...
  20. J

    My story: self-fulfilling prophecy of negativity

    I know where your coming from. I'm 26 and things arent perfect. BUT..I'm doing better now than ever before. Its strange, three years ago i was in better shape, no one cared. I had a six pack. Big deal. Right now i'm husky :) and chicks are going out of there way to be friendly and talk to...