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  1. D

    FIVE Fatal mistakes of the NERD (besides MEMBERS ONLY jackets)

    Well, it took what, 2 posts, before this thread descended into an orgy of nerd-defense. You know who I think are cool people? Nerds. You know why? Because nerds do what they want, wear what they want, and don't give a damn. The people I do hate I will define as thus. 1) People who buy into...
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    Mission Impossible: Getting back the Ex!

    If two years have passed, that might be another problem in itself, people change, she may not be who he's in love with anymore, but his memory of the girl he did love once.
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    The One you should love forever!

    Your post was way too long, I'm not going to dignify it by reading all of it, instead, I'm going to tell you about my day. No, I'm not going to even give you the pleasure of that. Take your pseudo-intellectualism and long-winded speeches to someone who wants to sit and wade through a river of...
  4. D

    Quick Thoughts on Chicago DYD Seminar

    Hey, leave Marlon Brando alone.
  5. D

    Mission Impossible: Getting back the Ex!

    Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, Nice plan. seriously
  6. D

    My rant about relationships, guys and girls

    I agree with some of what you have to say, that most of the guys here buy into this site wayyyy to much, however, you were wrong when you said girls don't obsess about guys. Go to websites like that badgirlswirl one, and you'll find plenty of examples of girls trading tips and advice on guys...
  7. D

    some chicks cant kiss for $hit

    "Teach her to live life?" How is that remotely coherent or relevant to the topic. Way to fail. Anyways, show her how you want her to kiss you. Say it like "I think it's sexy when you......" That should take care of it, also, stop speaking in ebonics. Seriously, it makes you sound like you're...
  8. D

    Babes and the looks I get sometimes

    My my my, it looks like someone is missing the point. Your mistake is being the first to look away, it demonstrates your insecurity, you even said it yourself, you "chicken-out." Kind of like when I "hulk-out," but I usually kick a lot more ass when I'm the Hulk then you do as a chicken I'm...
  9. D

    Is dating necessary?

    Well, dating a woman for a while lets you get to know her much more intimately than you otherwise would have with just sex. You'll learn things about her and she'll learn things about you, She'll also become more comfortable with her body around you, and she'll be more comfortable with your...
  10. D

    ( I wanna redirect my life)need help , specially from Pook

    The Tiger Woods look is safe, clean-cut, and a bit UNATTRACTIVE. Women notice a lot about body language and clothes, they will judge you on how you wear your clothes, also, a partly unbuttoned shirt is mysterious and says you're a CONFIDENT person, which is what you need to be trying to convey...
  11. D

    Pretty Boy = Fag

    Oh you people, it's like I have to tell you everything, stop smiling, stand up straight, don't make me slap you. Act like a freaking man around her, act tough. It doesn't matter how you look to girls as much as how you compose yourself, thats a fact. I'm sexy, but call me...
  12. D

    Kissing Problem

    I told you once, I won't tell you thrice I told you what to do, she's teasing you with the food, tease back, and make her want you to kiss her. Thats why she is doing what she is doing. When she said "no" she didn't act offended, she didn't slap you, she wanted you to build up more tension and...
  13. D

    ( I wanna redirect my life)need help , specially from Pook

    Some advice, 1. As Starman mentioned, make lots of friends. 2. Go on an online dating service to meet chicks in your area. 3. Stop thinking when you talk to a girl, just go up and say hi. 4. Style points, you are a pretty handsome guy, some advice, A) open up the collar of your...
  14. D

    Competition: How do you react?

    the trick is not to go somewhere where you have a lot of competition and try to compete, thats a rat-race, get her info and get lost. Then in a few days, call her up, and spend time with just her and you.
  15. D

    I NEVER NEVER tell a Girl That she is ATTRACTIVE. EVER.

    I told my girlfriend once, only once, that she was beautiful, that's more than enough, though, she may not have heard me, what with all the noisy sex we were having, ha, I am excellent.
  16. D

    Kissing Problem

    Ne me Taquinez pas, it means, "don't tease" in French, I suggest you remember that next time she triesto tease with food, also, just because you tried to kiss her and she pushed you away, doesn't mean you shouldn't try again, persistence is the mother of success, if she wasn't totally disgusted...
  17. D

    what if a girl with a boyfriend comes on to you?

    some girls are just real flirty, or like to have a lot of "guy friends," but if she actually wants something, you set the terms, not how it's going between her and her bf.
  18. D

    Competing with a older guy and I think I lost.....

    Well, most people don't like getting advice from me because I'm not very tolerant for failures, so I'm going to lay it out for you. 1. Your first mistake was acknowledging that she was attractive. The girl I'm seeing now, the first time I saw her after talking to her on the phone, other guys...
  19. D

    Five ANTI DISGUSTING hygiene tips I wish I'd Known:::Not FOR WEAK STOMACHS

    Oh yeah..... 5. Wash your ears, and behind your ears. I almost forgot that. 6. And, clean your damn nails, all the time. 7. Your nose and face get extra oily, clean them damnit. With soap.
  20. D

    What SHould I do!!! She says she doesnt want a Relationship.Or F/buddy

    Sorry, I'm an ******* and I can't resist. Give her some space. Don't be so willing to kiss her. If she wants to kiss you, say with a casual smile "I thought we were friends." Never ask a girl to actually be a **** buddy , girls hate that label, it makes them feel like they're being used...