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  1. N

    Do I hand my number to busy worker?

    Ok thanks guys, I'll see what I can do. To be honest I've been trying to get her when shes on her own to ask for her number, but its been a couple months and she's been busy every time and with co workers near. Her IL seems to get higher from brief chats etc, but I don't want to wait too long...
  2. N

    Do I hand my number to busy worker?

    There's a shy girl who I think is into me, that I see for only a few seconds, 3 days a week when I work (I don't work with her) She always responsive to a quick chat and seems interested, but I never see her alone to ask for her number. Also her boss is always working near her and doesn't seem...
  3. N

    Changing thought patterns before an approach?

    Sounds like you need to ease yourself into it. Start by just making a statement to a girl, or giving a compliment and walking off, not expecting any outcome. Then once it feels more normal, maybe try to follow up with a question after, gradually speaking for longer time. It will also feel more...
  4. N

    End of 7 year LTR with oneitis. Need advice

    Thanks guys, all of the replies are great, a huge help. I'm glad I found here, because I would've had nowhere to talk about it. The advice is making sense, I guess I need to change my mindset. I've always been in a relationship since 16, never really been single or alone, and need to see it as a...
  5. N

    End of 7 year LTR with oneitis. Need advice

    Thanks guys, good advice. By the way, I just meant no options/ social circle as in with women, I play for 2 sports teams but only really ever been around guys, and her. Ok I will not do online, and will try to do a class somewhere, where I may meet women. With regards to her, she moves in a...
  6. N

    End of 7 year LTR with oneitis. Need advice

    Hi everyone, I could use some advice if possible. Met this girl when I was 25 (her 22), and I had a lot of options at the time, but ended up in serious relationship with this one. Was great, for 7 years, now its over and don't know what to do. No more social circle, don't even know any other...