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  1. T

    Official: Boot Camp for the masses thread (beginning 10/01)

    Mr. Delicious, hang in there, this isn't a race or a contest. If you only get one convo this week, then set your goal for two convos next week and keep at it. And keep posting. Are you still saying hi to as many people as you can, even if you don't talk to them? That's important to keep up the...
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    Tiger Eye journal

    The end of the beginning... Well, I’ve still got too many things going on right now to put the kind of continuous daily effort into DJing that I’ve tried to maintain the past couple of months. I do strike up convos with the HBs that cross my path, just not going out and hitting the streets day...
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    Tiger Eye journal

    Week 4 Day.... 26? Thanks for the bump, Golden Arms, been off the board lately. Bought a little beater pickup and I’ve been preoccupied with getting it up and running the past week or so. And frankly it’s been nice to take a break from pressuring myself to be in constant DJ mode. But it’s...
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    Tiger Eye journal

    Week 4 Day 13, 14, 15 – Tue, Wed, Thu Tuesday: No DJing, too busy with other stuff. Feel guilty when I don’t make time to DJ every single day, but I really was busy. Wednesday: Downtown for a couple of hours. Several opps, made a couple of approaches, no number closes. GRRR...
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    Daily Approach journal#2

    Re: ding! LOL... great idea, thanks Walden
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    Yet another boot camp diary (YABCD)

    Right on, MrNiceGuy, glad to see you're doing this. It will be tough at times, just stay with it, focus more on the successes than the failures.
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    Tiger Eye journal

    Week 4 Day 10, 11, 12 – Sat, Sun, Mon Still here. Still struggling with the rejection thing, but I’m still here. Saturday: Went to this outdoor festival that was totally lame. Families and kids, not an HB hotspot. One HB, in fact, is all I recall seeing there who wasn’t obviously bf’d or...
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    Zach's Boot Camp Journal

    Hey Zach, glad to see you're sticking with it, I'm sure the divorce thing is pretty distracting right now. Do the boot camp at whatever pace works for you. Better to slow down and keep going than get frustrated and quit because you can't meet someone else's rather arbitrary goals. Yeah, neg...
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    Tiger Eye journal

    Week 4 Day 9 - Fri Been going out specifically to DJ for at least a couple of hours almost every day the past four weeks, on top of staying in DJ mode during my day-to-day affairs. And frankly I’m feeling a little burnt out at the moment. So I’m taking a break today, to give myself a chance to...
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    Tiger Eye journal

    Week 4 Day 8 – Thu Okay, I did it! GOT MY FIRST REJECTION!! Noon, and I’m out cruising yet another grocery store (I am so sick of grocery stores) with the intention of making that first number close. Slim pickings, but I spot a 30-something blonde down one aisle, so I walk past her and say...
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    Tiger Eye journal

    Week 4 Day 6 & 7 - Tue & Wed Kairos, yes I agree, attitude is THE single most important thing, that’s what I’m changing. And I wish I could flip a switch and make it happen overnight, but it doesn’t seem to work that way. Some days I’m busting with confidence, other days it’s just average --...
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    Tiger Eye journal

    Week 4 Day 5 – Mon Spent three hours walking around downtown today – my feet are f#cking killing me! Got to figure out some way to DJ the HBs without logging so damn many miles. No attempted number closes, no rejections. There, let’s just get that out of the way right now. As far as getting...
  13. T

    I promised I'd never post about her again, but its last chance saloon time...

    Well, I have a couple of thoughts.... The main thing that strikes me is all the time and energy you're putting into trying to lay this one girl, who's generally unavailable (has bf), when there are thousands of single, available women out there. Why the obsession with her??? If you just...
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    Tiger Eye journal

    Week 4 Day 2, 3, 4 – Fri, Sat, Sun Okay Walden, you’re right. This exercise isn’t about avoiding rejection or minimizing rejection. It’s about EMBRACING rejection. I’ve squandered the first four days of this week, let’s see what I can do with the next three. Treat it like a game and get out...
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    Tiger Eye journal

    Week 4 Day 1 - Thu Two more HB convos tonight at the grocery store, including another cute young college girl in the check-out line who made a point to catch my eye one last time as she left. What kind of vibe am I putting off these days that’s causing younger women to flutter over me? Not...
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    Tiger Eye journal

    Week 3 Day 7 – Wed Tonight on my way home from a meeting I swing through Barnes & Noble specifically to look for HBs to approach. But it’s kinda late and there’s not much going on, in fact the only target is a couple of college girls sitting on the floor looking at art books. Still, one opp is...
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    Tiger Eye journal

    Week 3 Day 5 & 6 – Mon & Tue AAARRRGGGHHH!!! Why is it so damn difficult to talk to the beautiful women! Monday I was too busy with other stuff to do any real DJing, so Tuesday I go downtown with the idea of knocking out a bunch of convos. And got off to a decent start actually, an HB at an...
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    Tiger Eye journal

    Week 3 Day 4 – Sun Two more brief HB convos today, one at the open-air market, another in an elevator. Neither got to the point where a number close felt viable, although the elevator girl had potential with a little more time. Also some other attempts that just didn’t quite get off the ground...
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    Tiger Eye journal

    Week 3 Day 2 & 3 – Fri & Sat Thanks guys, it means a lot for experienced DJs to say I’m doing something right, very encouraging. And I agree, dedication to the Boot Camp is critical. When I began this I decided I could devote the next eight weeks of my life to the program, made a decision to...
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    Tiger Eye journal

    Week 3 Day 1 – Thu Thanks, kyokon. So the boot camp exercise for week 3 is to engage 10 HBs in convos, and I’m actually looking forward to getting back into the trenches. Whatever little funk I was in a few days ago has passed. For now, anyway. The date: We’d set things up for her to...