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  1. C

    spontaneous gift bought, but now having second thoughts

    The problem with gift giving is not in giving the actual gift. All human beings are self centered. That said when, even when we give something to someone else it is a self centered thing. We always expect something in return. Notice, when you told her about the book, you expected her to be...
  2. C

    unique situation

    Guilt My thoughts are that she does want you...but feels guilty about it. Pay attention to her actions, not what she says. I think that even more she wants only you. She feels guilty about it and wants to convince your wife otherwise. Thats why she told your wife that she doesn't want you but...
  3. C

    Discussing your problems on the board...

    I don't know about the better than sex part...comparable definitely. Art is my first passion, and everyone of us should have something in our lives thats more important than women.
  4. C

    Confidence and Aura of the look

    Allright I just have to interject my thoughts one more time before I go slap some paint........... Have you ever thought to yourself that maybe your attracted to confident women because it's something your looking for in yourself..maybe more of it. Confidence comes with experience and...
  5. C

    Discussing your problems on the board...

    Another book I have comes to mind too.. "As a Man Thinketh" by James Allen It's more of a booklet but I read it from time to time and this thread has inspired me to read it again. Thanks CBear. Hers an excerpt.. "Mind is the master-power that moulds and makes, And Man is Mind, and...
  6. C

    Once a girl has 'lost respect' for you, can you save it?

    Respect yourself If someone ain't respecting you its because you aren't respecting and being true to yourself. A man is true to himself and his word. your not acting like a man by telling somebody one thing and doing another. Women act that way changing their minds all the time and telling...
  7. C

    Old Relationship.....

    Let it go... Man, I just have to say from my experience...let it go! Why do you need her as a friend? Leave the poor girl alone..Straight up, that simple. Move on.
  8. C

    Confidence and Aura of the look

    Part of it is Men are more attracted to women based on physical of course whether a fat chick had the attitude or not, the looks just ain't going to do it for ya. Women are more attracted to men based on how you make them looks aren't as important to them as how...
  9. C

    Back for more!

    Yeah... I've definitely done that in my imagination more than a couple times...I believe I'll cut her phone off, pay the bill and take the loss of $$ just so I can cut her completely loose. Just curious how others would handle it.
  10. C

    advice pls

    Don't tell her.. I wouldn't tell her., plain and simple. And I wouldn't get intimate with her until your divorce is final. You'll feel better about yourself in the long run and keep your self esteem intact.
  11. C

    Back for more!

    Well after close to a year away from this place I'm back again...From the 2 years since I started visiting this place until now the change has been real good for me. All I can say to all you new AFC's punk arses is is read that DJBible...soak up all that you can, take a hiatus and try the stuff...
  12. C

    DJ's and drugs

    Simple... Drugs are just going to drop your inhibitions. It seems like you lose your fears/insecurities, in one form or another. Escapism at it's best. Also they seem to get you in that "zone" where you create your own world or "atmosphere" to draw people into. Alcohol, to me amplifies whatever...
  13. C

    How in the hell....

    Insecurity is the problem. I agree with Dr.Zaius here, right on the mark. Jealousy starts with insecurity. You can deny it or take a look at yourself and figure out what it is your insecure about that causes you to be so jealous. Think about it.
  14. C

    Why does everyone say looks don't matter? they do!

    hmmmm... It's all in the eye of the start with the attraction has to be there. That's what opens the door. Some of the attraction is going to be what she/he considers to be attractive. And some of it is based on what mood, charisma or whatever that we exude from the inside. Bad...
  15. C

    Recipe for Charisma

    Good Information Simply, Thanks for passing it along.
  16. C

    Quotes to live by

    Quotes.... First off....some very good ones you all are throwing up here. I keep a list of quotes in a text file and have added alot today. THANKS !! My personal favorite book of quotes right now is "Striking Thoughts" by Bruce Lee. I highly recommend it to everyone. And some other...
  17. C

    How do you interpret it when a woman fails to show value, socially or sexually?

    Good question I think it could go either way. I really can't vote honestly on this one. Does this occur often with you? Or, is it just the occasional woman that acts this way? If she is interesting enough to you, and suitable in looks, then I would think that you would be more apt to be...
  18. C

    A witch...

    Allright fellow don Juans...what to say (c+f) when a woman tells you shes a witch. I had this gal tell me she was a wiccan. It totally caught me off guard so I'm interested in what your responses would be.
  19. C

    whats the best way to answer this?

    reply Turn around...look at your a$$ and say " I don't see anything coming out. Do You?"
  20. C

    i don't know, what do you wanna do?

    Would it be so hard... to just offer a few suggestions and still leave it to him to take the lead? Maybe he's trying to find out what you like. Either that or next him...and find someone that is more decisive.