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  1. D

    Lasting longer during sex

    Yes, this more or less explains itself. I'm sure it has been asked millions of times, but this is probably the only question I have regarding relationships now. Apart from using performas (which I don't like) and maybe thinking of anything but sex, during sex, what has a guy go to do to last...
  2. D

    Leviathan - The Last Post You Will Ever Read

    From me You are garbage.
  3. D

    Leviathan - The Last Post You Will Ever Read

    And so As long as it is preserved to some extent. I am not content with it just leaving the forum before others have a chance to read it. Whom do I contact to get it in the bible, or archived?
  4. D

    Leviathan - The Last Post You Will Ever Read

    And then I'm back again. After the positive response this post has recieved, I have a request to make. I have had comments made, and private messages sent to me thanking me for writing the story, and want it to reach a wider audience. I therefore ask if it could be added to the DJ...
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    Leviathan - The Last Post You Will Ever Read

    And now The response to this post, seems to be very positive. I am content to have touched those people who liked what I wrote the most. Leviathan, I believe, was a mythical creature, that kept getting stronger anytime it was attacked. It is therefore a metaphor for the DJ within, who...
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    Leviathan - The Last Post You Will Ever Read

    Leviathan Definition A force deep inside of you, that can become powerful as to make your dreams come true before you, people look in wonder, and those around you, fall in love with you. Leave the site. Do not post anymore, do not read anything and do not ever, ever come here again...
  7. D

    Dangerous weapons - Techniques to get women to sleep with you

    And then Some replies so far. Anyone else want to comment?
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    Dangerous weapons - Techniques to get women to sleep with you

    While reading on the Internet, at 5.10am, I wanted to ask the following question: What powerful techniques can be used to get a woman to want to come home with you, and then sleep with you? I am probably going to get the "get your game going first!" and "talk to girls, and get your macking...
  9. D

    Am I a DJ?

    Now the thread's getting funny. I'd say I'm getting there. I go out, knowing I'll come back with numbers and dates. Last year I couldn't get a date. That's progress. I wonder what I'll be like in a year or so.
  10. D

    Am I a DJ?

    And... There are two more I forgot: -A couple of weeks ago I saw 2 girls on the same day, in the same place - but at different times. -Girls now regularly call me. This one is recent. From reflecting on it, and reading this post, I believe I am a DJ "in training". I rarely post here...
  11. D

    Am I a DJ?

    Hey. I don't know what's happened, but after years of doing this, I finally seem to be doing something right. Am I a DJ? Heres what has happened over the last couple of months: -Over the last 6 weeks, I have been out for coffee with 6 girls. -The girl at the coffee place knows me...
  12. D

    Just Be Yourself

    Anymore comments? I'd like to hear what you think.
  13. D

    Just Be Yourself

    2006 I'm being myself, as I am NOW. That person is different to when I came here, unstable and wounded, a few years back. I don't know what happened. Last year I couldn't get a date. Now I'm seeing 2 girls in one day. It takes a lot of work. I go out twice a week and literally approach...
  14. D

    Just Be Yourself

    2005 Girls used to avoid me before. They'd literally look away, reject me, cancel dates. I'd spend an entire night trying to approach ONE girl. Then not approach her. That was two years ago. Now, I regularly appproach and close about 10 girls a night. Now, I still do get rejected, but...
  15. D

    Just Be Yourself

    Just be yourself Yes I know. Before you say it. It’s on the frontpage of the site. Bad advice. Right? I was burned by a girl, a girl that messed with my head, and had my emotions take over me. We’ve all had one. For many of us it was the reason we came to this website. It was my...
  16. D

    Master file: Seven Laws - Remember these for instant action

    You can be there for her, but don't become her emotional tampon. You're there to be a DJ, not an agony aunt. The more you do it, the closer you two will get (great!). But then, the more you do it, the closer you get to the friendzone (not so great!). Just make sure you never cross the line.
  17. D

    Master file: Seven Laws - Remember these for instant action

    I've written something on Women that spans 80 pages. I've decided to post two parts of it on this forum. The other one is here: It's on John, the guy I learned a lot from. This one is about memory. One of the challenges...