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  1. F

    Was this a bad date...or is there some potential here?

    Definately take her out again. Being a student with a job I know how stressful/busy things can get. I often run very low on sleep for a week at a time in order to have more time for myself. Take her out on a day where she has a light load so she's won't be as tired. It is ok to be a flexible, as...
  2. F

    16, trying to get with a 20 yearold...... help

    Leave the phone alone, don't call her unless you're calling to setup plans to see her. The phone is your worst enemy, remember that always.
  3. F

    Edmonton and surrounding area

    20 in St. Albert, but I'm currently too busy to go clubbing. I'll get back to you at a later date.
  4. F

    A Tip On Looks

    Welcome to the new millenium guy, where image is everything. The better you look, the more serious everyone will take you. Since I started paying more attention to the way I look, my posture and yes, using makeup (acne medicine with built in coverup), I have been attracting WAY more women...
  5. F

    Way, way overprotective fathers!

    How is that a tip? I think that's sh*t advice. If the guy is nuts who knows if he has violent tendencies. Maybe he'll come in with a shotgun and kill your *ss, or beat the girl when you're gone.
  6. F

    Way, way overprotective fathers!

    I'm in a similar situation. The girl I'm seeing has only had one boyfriend before me and is still a virgin, in fact, I'm the second guy she's kissed. Really great girl, I've been seeing her for a while (behind her parent's back), she finally brought the situation into the open this weekend and...
  7. F

    Most obvious come-on that was missed

    I have a couple of bad ones. Last fall I'm waiting for the bus I transfer to at the depot and this HB8.5 comes up to me and asks "is this where the 202 comes?" I reply "yeah, it is" there is a sign that says 202 on it right behind me. Then the girl hangs around for a few minutes and moves on...
  8. F

    Your Ride, your music?

    I don't let anyone touch my stereo, my car, my music. I'll consider change on request, but that's as far as it goes.
  9. F

    No place to f*ck

    I think I'm going to stick with the picnic option. I mean, that's DJ all the way. A candlelit picnic with a bottle of wine, that's pure gold right there. Now all I have to do is do some detective work in the parks. Find one that there won't be any traffic in late at night.
  10. F

    Your Ride, your music?

    I NEVER listen to hip hop. I listen to lots of cutting edge alternative, some trip-hop, acid rock, industrial, things that people usually don't here but won't be offensive. Sigur Ros, Massive Attack, Radiohead, Queens of the Stone Age, Jane's Addiction, Tool, Nine Inch Nails, Orgy. People who...
  11. F

    Female Wingman?

    I highly doubt that will work, unless you flirt with your family members...
  12. F

    How do you give off the "I am loving life" vibe!

    I just smile all the time, the more I smile, the better I feel. I find it easier to block out negative things when I'm smiling. Besides when you smile at people and they smile back, it makes you feel good. It's a snowball effect. This is really how I've left my AFC days behind.
  13. F

    Female Wingman?

    I had a female wingman last week and didn't even realise it. I was picking up this girl at the bar, I knew half the people in there. On girl I went to college with a couple of years ago was hanging around flirting, grabbing my ass, kinoing me and generally screwing around. This was great social...
  14. F

    No place to f*ck

    Yeah I'm planning on buying a house with two friends next July.
  15. F

    No place to f*ck

    F*ck that, I wouldn't be living here if my parents found out. Besides, my bed is the weakest point of my room, it's a piece of sh*t double I've had all my life. I have to respect the few rules my parents have for me here. I don't even bring any girls around because my family f*cks up my game.
  16. F

    No place to f*ck

    Thanks for the great advice guys. I think I'll be taking the candle-lit picnic route first, to see how that goes.
  17. F

    No place to f*ck

    Guys, I find the biggest thing in the way of my game is I have nowhere to take the girls after I make the pickup. I'm still holding my V card. I live with my parents and have two younger siblings. This means there's ALWAYS someone home. I have my own car, but the backseats are buckets and a...
  18. F

    Field Report: My Third Night Out With Matt ala Casanova.

    Great post! This is why I've been b*tching about not having a wingman tonight. I'm more relaxed if I'm not forced into a pickup, it's much better if I can do it casually and have a friend who can fill in the gaps where the conversation runs dry.
  19. F

    Problem: no wingman

    I lose a lot of confidence if I'm in a club alone. I become nervous and jittery. I don't know why, I just do.
  20. F

    Problem: no wingman

    Do most of you guys have a wingman? My wingman bailed on me tonight and I'm f*cked without him, we were supposed to hit a club and I don't club alone. I tried to find a backup, but everyone had sh*t going on or didn't want to goto the bar (bunch of p"ssies). Oh well, looks like plans are shot...