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  1. D

    Intriguing Question

    But how would you even start a conversation with someone who has like 5k followers and is obviously popular? Get lucky and hopefully bump into them somewhere?
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    Intriguing Question

  3. D

    Intriguing Question

    So ever since I've been on Instagram or Snapchat or whatever I haven't really noticed this until now. How do those 8.5's and above get a bf? For example, I consider myself a 8.5-9 on my best day. 6'5" 215 lbs knows how to dress. I see these girls on SM websites occasionally hit em up and they...
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    Don't get it

    lmao this actually makes sense tbh... She's done this before like last year. Randomly texted me out of the blue like a month ago, took her out and banged. She told me after that she was still "talking" to the guy from before... hahaaaaaa
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    Don't get it

    I'm just confused as to why you would randomly delete someone for sending you a snap after you're the one who added them yourself lol...
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    Don't get it

    I feel like this happens a lot to me, not sure about the rest of the community. Here's the situation, girls befriend me, add me on snap, we never really hang, just occasionally text but rarely. Randomly, I'll send her a normal snap, and next thing I know, she deletes me or just never replies...
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    Advice on how to pursue

    Saturday night, met up with a past fling. Her friend wanted to go home, so she drove 30 mins to drop her off and I figured she would just stay home since it was far away from the place we were at. She texted me saying she was coming back so I assumed she was for sure down. Anyways, hours go by...
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    Would it be wierd to message her

    No one likes that kinda guy...
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    Would it be wierd to message her

    Don't be that guy
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    Girl who recently broke up with boyfriend

    It makes sense and I figured that was the case. I was just wondering(hoping) it would be accelerated
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    Girl who recently broke up with boyfriend

    Long story short, I met this girl about a year ago. She was with her current bf at the time and I didn't really acknowledge my liking of her at the current time. Fast forward to about a few months ago and we ran into each other and imo hit it off. Typical laughing/talking blah blah. Next day...
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    So say I get a girls number, what do I say, how do I engage the next day?
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    Hey everyone, I need some advice on how to deal with females in the future. Let me first start off by saying, I'm somewhat attractive, have an athletic build, great job, and am 6'4''. Here's my issues: 1) Meet a girl, exchange numbers, blah blah. Literally the next day, I ask how their day is...