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  1. B

    Does this mean she is cheating?

    I'm worried my girlfriend is telling me BS to hide something sexual. I'd appreciate others lending their female knowledge and their BS detecters. _____________________________ ***My Situation Yesterday:*** My girlfriend hadn't been interested sexually for a couple weeks. Yesterday when she...
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    I've been distant and irritable lately should I apologize?

    what about Then should I just call her up like normal tomorrow, or should I wait to see when she calls again? If so and she distances herself in responce and takes a while to get in touch again how long should I give her before I contact her. If she responds to a sudden more pleasant...
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    I've been distant and irritable lately should I apologize?

    Lately (past week) when I've been with the girl I've been seeing (past 6 months) I've been irritable and distant. I think this has been causing her significant stress. Though she has done things worthy of irritation lately (what woman doesn't at times), my irritation has be...
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    Question about ex?

    Ok here is an easier to read outline: 1. I lost my job through no fault of my own 2. My Girlfriend has kids and moved her kids in with her ex, who is irresposible so she went to take care of the kids also. 3. She still has some mixed feelings for the guy from hate to strong feelings(a...
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    When do you give a girlfriend a 2nd chance?

    ahh If you want to know about the specifics of stuff she was saying. The specific insults were grandious. At first she accused me of doing a couple of things I obviously wasn't doing(ie she was saying I was insulting her, and going through her diary, not in the past but right then). Then she...
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    When do you give a girlfriend a 2nd chance?

    about not calling Regarding not calling since a couple of you asked; She was assuming that I wasn't going to call her again, and she didn't want to be the one to call me up, after I stated the immenent end of the relationship. So she asked a mutual friend to ask me to call her.
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    When do you give a girlfriend a 2nd chance?

    thanks Thanks for the responses. No it wasn't in public, and we have been together a little less than a half year, but we have known eachother for a couple years. I don't want to be too harsh, and I'm sure she wishes she hadn't said the things she said, but I wouldn't tolerate me acting...
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    When do you give a girlfriend a 2nd chance?

    Last week my girlfriend got extremely wasted one night, and ended up making an ass of herself, and being extremely rude and insulting toward me, when we were at home. I told her I was leaving and probably not coming back. She asked a mutual friend to get me to call her yesterday. I talked to...
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    DeManding Respect?!?

    my take My take is that you don't demand respect, you earn it. If someone else isn't showing you respect, it seems odd to demand it. If they are acting disrespectful then I would tell them that they are acting unacceptably, and either tell them to leave or leave whereever you are.
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    Problem regarding Long Distance Relationship

    thanks for the replies Thanks for the reply. Perhaps the long distance relationship is screwed to begin with. I'll talk to her about it, what is a good way to introduce the lets talk about this long distance situation discussion. Does my being bothered by this seem normal then, or...
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    Problem regarding Long Distance Relationship

    I'm in a Long Distance(6hr drive) LTR. I was gone this past weekend on a trip across country. We talked on the phone the night before I left and everything was normal, we discussed how I was going to drive up and visit the next weekend(we usually spend two 3 day weekends together per...
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    Question regarding anatomy

    thanks Thanks I'll check it out
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    Question regarding anatomy

    thanks for the reply Thanks for the reply. I'm really not that big, I just curious if she was just saying BS or if she meant it. I hadn't heard anyone say being on top could be more painful before.
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    Question regarding anatomy

    bump I haven't gotten any replies, so I'll elaborate. I not significantly larger then average, but I was told that I was large enough that "girl on top" positioning was uncomfortable, or slightly painful, I am still asked regularly if I want that position I'm curious if it is a test of sorts...
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    Question regarding anatomy

    Would girl on top be anymore uncomfortable for a girl then other positions, with regard to well endowedness.
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    Is this a time to have a break up talk

    humm This is actually a long distance relationship as of recently. I see her a couple of weekends a month. I figure I'll wait to start any of this until I see her in person next time if I can help it. I'm thinking I'll wait until she does something indicative of this behavior, and if she...
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    Is this a time to have a break up talk

    ahhh So if she responds in a non-productive(defensive, or accusing manner) manner, I think it would be easy to give a we're better off apart speech. She is also definately capable of a mature discussion with out BS. In which case this would be the most interesting of the potential outcomes...
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    Is this a time to have a break up talk

    thanks for the replies So should I wait until she brings up something fatalistic and then say if you are looking for this to fail you can save us both time and we can let it go now.
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    Is this a time to have a break up talk

    ya I'd like to keep her as a friend, is the reason I want to get out of the situation in as positive a light as possible. I guess I am too worried about making sure I do things right.
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    Is this a time to have a break up talk

    thanks for the replies I think I'm going to tell her that she seems to be looking for reasons for things not to work, and that things cannot work if that is the situation. But I would like to do it in a manner that lets her feel as good about things as possible, perhaps tell her that this way...