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  1. N

    Help my ego is getting best of me!

    So recently discovered who my ex has been dating since our split. He's a watered down beta version of me, his sense of humor is corny, he's less attractive, he's older and has physical weaknesses (injuries that limit his activities) It just seems like a big slap in the face that she seems...
  2. N

    Why do I always lose physical attraction in relationships?

    is that normal? Happens around months 4-6 and then I feel like an a**hole. They're always great girls personally wise I just lose desire to be sexual with them. I feel like bailing on the relationship to find someone that gets me more sexually interested but at the same time id be losing...
  3. N

    Is there something wrong with me for being single?

    all my friends are married and have been with their wives for 5+ years and I've always been the single guy who has short term girlfriends here and there. It's come to the point where I don't even like hanging out with them because I'm exposed to that lifestyle of living with a spouse and...
  4. N

    Was I a victim to a BPD? Hardest break up yet

    Hi guys, I just stumbled upon this site after trying to assess what happened with my ex. To date it has been THE hardest break up for me emotionally, and it's hard to shake. I'll give details about her/relationship/post break up in a bullet points fashion for ease of read. Relationship was 9...
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