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  1. NSX-R

    Eject if you hear that.

    I made a post about my ex . I have some advice and i hope it helps. When you woman says the usual “It’s not you it’s me “ “ i want to focus on myself/job/family/house / finances whatever “ “I can’t give you what you want “ She either fcks with someone else or she about to . Eject and remove...
  2. NSX-R

    Falling lower

    Wrote a post few months ago i guess, about my ex . The break up was bad , single mother been with her in ltr . Anyway, we met again few weeks ago , went on a few dates together, went to her home but nothing sexual. Discussed a lot but there were a lot of issues between us . Her friends played as...
  3. NSX-R

    The biggest mistake i ever did

    Been quite a while since i last posted. A small update , been focused 100% on my business for the past few years and that caused me to slow down on the dating scene and chose to enter into a ltr for the time being with a single mother in her early 30s.I did a very huge renovation of my building...
  4. NSX-R

    Trust your gut without solid proof?

    Back to the game since 2-3 months and it feels like i was never gone . Was in a relationship for 2 solid years , it was fun , learned lots of things but it was not what i really wanted for the long run so I’m back . Life hopefully is good , still getting laid like the old times, actually it...
  5. NSX-R

    To know or not?

    This is a question for the more experienced board of the forum. So you get in a relationship and you sit with your woman alone . She starts talking about her past with exes and people she’s been with . Here is the question. Is it a good idea to listen about her past? In one way you will know...
  6. NSX-R

    Followed me on Instagram .

    Few days ago an ex of mine started following me again on Instagram. We haven’t talked since August. Early September i texted her how she’s doing and she didn’t even replied. What does she want from me ? Is it a game to make me feel things again? She wants to be back with me? Any similar...
  7. NSX-R

    What’s next??

    Time is moving on and sexual concepts change . I remember when i was a kid i would say to a girl that she was mine and automatically we had a relationship lol . Right now you make out with a woman and you still ain’t sure if she’s interest at you . Shyt you are banging and still you ain’t sure...
  8. NSX-R

    Can’t move on...

    Broke it with a girl (lets call her N)half a year ago (the one i went to Paris with , some people might remember) badly , didn’t want her in my life and i believe i did the right choice , corona happened and any chance of getting back together was gone forever. So far so good but it backfired...
  9. NSX-R

    Instagram fakes

    Been noticing couple of fake accounts following my instagram activity and i wanted to know if there’s some way to find out which person is it . I thought that tracking IP address might be one way but i don’t know how to do it . Anyone here knows how to do it ?
  10. NSX-R

    Too Hot to Handle(Dynamics for escalation)

    I recently saw this reality show (other than that the intelligence was on the very very lows) it amazed me of how some social dynamics work . Take for example Rhonda , David and Sharron . Meanwhile David was the first to pick up Rhonda , she was mutually interested to him plus their...
  11. NSX-R

    Finger lick

    I don’t know if it’s a naive question but i wonder what it means if a woman during sex sucks your fingers or putting them in their mouths ? I always thought that it’s a preview for when she start sucking your D but is it ? What’s your experience?
  12. NSX-R

    Persistence or next?

    I believe that’s a question many of us make when they meet a female . The most common advice around here is if a female acts hard then we should next her as fast as possible . But sometimes the easiest woman doesn’t mean it’s the best one and for the long run might be the worst option. What...
  13. NSX-R

    Rate this and help me improve .

    All this lockdown thing made me start texting more . I ve never used texting to get a woman , i would usually meet her in person and only arrange a date or something or comment a few words on an instagram story . This is about a plate ( my last one right now unfortunately f you corona) and for...
  14. NSX-R

    Am i wrong?

    There is this hb9 that I’ve talking for a month now . Chemistry is one of the best I’ve had with a woman , mutual interests etc . She came out of a 3 year ltr few months ago .Ex was a jerk as she said but there is a saying “ where there’s smoke ,there’s also fire “ . Anyway i tried to dig...
  15. NSX-R

    I’m attracting older women

    I’ve noticed in the last 2 years since i got more muscle mass that i attract mostly if not only older women . I’m 25 and usually the women that i attract are 2+ older than me . For some reason younger women don’t seem to be too much into me or they seem to be too intimidated by my presence even...
  16. NSX-R

    Old plate coming back

    So here is the issue . I used to have this hb9 plate which is older than me ( me 25 she 27) few months ago . For some reason we broke contact and had a fight which i don’t know the reason yet , maybe cause she provoked me and i exaggerated a bit. Big mistake from my side cause i used to vide a...
  17. NSX-R

    Woman finish fast

    So i encountered this in the past and recently happened the same from a different girl . The question? The girl finished too fast . In less than 10 minutes of play time . As i said , it happened in the past but had no experience then . It happened now again . Why? Premature orgasm? Too horny...
  18. NSX-R

    Gf Cheating?

    Hey guys . Been a while since i posted here . Life been awesome till now . I’ve been with a chick for a while now but we live too far away from each other. For that reason i spin another 2 plates but i play the game too well to be spotted so no issues there . Anyway we meet each other as much...
  19. NSX-R

    Patterns and moves during sex

    Been a while since i saw a post in here where people post the best positions while making sex and moves which women love . Which moves would recommend?? I’ll start with a couple of my moves . 1) have her laying on the bed , naked , pull one or both of her legs up on her shoulder , grab her...
  20. NSX-R

    Interesting response

    Met a girl which I haven’t seen in a year . We were looking at each other a lot with the feeling like we knew each other but couldn’t remember. I approached her and talked to her . It went like this . Me: hey how you doing? She : I’m great, how about you ? Me: I’m good. Do you remember...