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  1. T

    Starting Up a Business: Customer Base or the Business First?

    So, I've been planning a lot and thinking carefully about my business move for within the next year or less (don't want this to exceed that), and one of the critical questions I've realized after hearing some opinions that, before you get into a business, you should already have prepared your...
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    Savings, Minimizing Expenses, Finding Cheaper Alternatives, Building Passive Income?

    This will be my first time being officially full-time employed, and I heard from a lawyer who was already very old, and thus, exprienced, said that you can't be rich in five to ten years. The reason according to him is that, while your income might be rising, your expenses also do. With that...
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    Making Moves on Girls in Related Social Circles

    Say, you're hitting up two to four girls in the same university, or that they might not belong to the exact same circle, but their circles are familiar with one another. How do you go about this? We know about "the Girl Network", right? And we all know that most of the time, it's us...
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    How to find prospective buyers and how to close a deal with them?

    Hi Guys, Do different industries have different ways of finding prospective buyers? Or, is there a general principle or steps that you can take to find them regardless of the product, price range, and industry? And eventually, how do you close the deal or sale with them?
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    Inner Game Improvement

    Ok, so this is what I recently discovered by viewing my past posts. And how I see myself reacting or has reacted when a situation involving a girl (or girls) I like arrives. Examples of these situations include things like, the girl seen-zoning me, girls flaking on me, girls rejecting my offer...
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    How to get rid of the desire to impress women?

    The desire to impress women, all kinds of women, ruins our rationality. I almost said that only the pretty ones, but I realized that this isn't the case exactly. Since there's this girl that is definitely not my type but I told her my stuff (business, etc.) Impressing women, and people in...
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    Should I post photos of me going out with girls on FB?

    What will it say about me? Will it be a leverage for social proof? Will that make me look desperate for trying hard to show that i got some women in my life?
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    Ways to Strengthen Frame

    Title says it. I'm starting to think that this is actually the key to happiness and true strength. Please recommend some books, readings, and all things that one can do so that he can strengthen his frame. Thanks a lot.
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    How do you get rid of the need/want to impress women?

    This really clouds my judgment, like in business. Like for example, I find myself wanting (take note: I didn't do it yet) to talk business with my people on phone while a chick that is sort of my type is beside me, when I'd rather not do it when I'm with other people, for example, my friends...
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    Tried to Cut My Losses by Cancelling First

    So there's this chick, I've sort of beta backslide by calling her several times via Facebook to talk about the date. One call was answered, but it was choppy or something, the point is there is literally no exchange to that one answered call. I've tried calling several times more, but only...
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    When We Try to Start a Conversation, We Will at Least Sometimes be Judged

    I thought I was just playing a numbers game. I did not get her number, or anything. I thought it was nothing to her after that. Then a few weeks after, I saw her FB profile and added her. I saw a post about me in her profile. I'm not sure about how much I cared about the girl's opinion, but my...
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    A Question Involving the "Girl's Network"

    You guys out there must be familiar with this: Women among social circles - damn - even just those social circles touching each other's periphery, transmit information. This stuff could be gossip and who slept with whom and who TRIED to sleep with whom. I've seen this work at least twice or...
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    How do you capitalize on ignoring women?

    One thing I have noticed, and I am sure almost all DJ's who have experience in-field, is that women's attraction tend to move towards those who ignore them. For example, I went to a salon to get a haircut and this chick would literally turn her head just to check me out. I was watching the news...
  14. T

    Theoretical Interest: Are girls using their brains when playing hot-cold? I got wondering about that question from this post above. Now, I'm wondering, do women really know what they're doing or are they simply acting these things out of pure emotion or intuition maybe? Or perhaps, their strategic...
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    Training for Mental Stamina and Concentration

    Do you know a program (better if it's written in a book like Jonathan Hancock's "Brilliant Memory Training") that I could follow to improve my mental fatigue, ability to concentrate, and attention span? I want to make the most of my 16-hour waking time in dedicating it for studying. Thank...
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    I was so anxious about stuff and then BOOM: Meditation!

    This morning was almost great. I learned how to drive a car. It will be very useful for me once I start having my own car that I can use to go to Law school, except that... I almost hit a store. A motorbike. And a little girl. In front of her mother. Who was also running that store. It was a...
  17. T

    No Plates?

    I have no plates right now. Maybe I could have one if I just texted this one girl. But she has a thing with my friend. But then again, it could be just my illusion because I will never know unless I try, which I will never do. Sometimes, we will feel uneasy, even depressed, when we don't have...
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    Gaining strength without getting bulkier

    How do I make my muscles stronger and increase its endurance without having to look like Arnold S? Is it on the reps? The speed? Weight training is out of the question for me because I find going to the gym expensive. I only do pull ups, push ups, and resistance bands. Thanks.
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    Tracing the Footsteps of Pook

    If only based on his writings that I have read, I want to achieve the same strength that Pook has achieved. His posts "Endurance" and "Fifteen Lessons" were really great. I also believe that he is Shark of the Solve My Girl Problems was the one that I have come accross...
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    Question on Women Not Putting It Out Too Soon

    Well, a girl could be slowing things down because: - you are so impressive that she wants you for LTR (she is trying to enhance her value by not putting it out too soon) - maybe she is just too nervous - maybe she needs a little comfort (does this reason even really exist?) - really just...