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  1. N

    Hypergamy Is All - A True Tale.

    Just wanted to give an update - Helen rolled into town this past weekend and I bent her over my bed and destroyed her while choking her and telling her what a little ***** she was. This was after ignoring her for most of the past three months. We had some (relatively) calmer sex the next morning...
  2. N

    Music to listen to after a breakup.
  3. N

    Life Resolutions ITT (SET GOALS)

    I had 17 girls in bed last year, after three in my entire life previously. I'd like to match that number this year, but up the quality. Also dig deeper into my own neediness and avoidance of rejection. So much work still to do...
  4. N

    Is Tinder mainly about looks?

    I've had good luck with it since I started using it the past week. I'm average looking I guess. But I also had a girl ask me if I was into farm animals. Yikes. It doesn't take into account body language or game, but it's also low-effort. Just swipe a bunch of profiles while you're taking a dump...
  5. N

    Is it me or are women getting worse by the generation

    I think they're getting far more sexually open, which works to our advantage. I love feminist chicks who ask me to choke them and tell them what *****s they are mere minutes after ranting about the patriarchy. It's cute. PS: Censoring the word "wh0res"? Really? Are we children on this board or...
  6. N

    Transition from conversation to kissing, help pls!

    If I'm sitting beside them, I just begin touching their hand, hair, neck, ears, etc. without breaking conversational stride. If she doesn't say anything about that, or (even better) responds by playing with my hands or something, then I either kiss her sitting down or say "stand up, I'm going to...
  7. N

    Boring girls and OLD

    Use this to your advantage - it's far easier to be outcome independent if you're not so sure the girl's interesting in the first place. Make her qualify herself, have fun and tease her, and next her if she doesn't show signs of life. Actually am having a conversation via tinder right now with a...
  8. N

    Why are you not using Tinder?

    Definitely had one spammer, but going for a drink Thursday with a friend of a friend who matched me on there. Worth the download for a quick introduction at least. I do think there are a lot of fake profiles...
  9. N

    Why are you not using Tinder?

    Started using it last night, got like six matches so far. Not shabby. The accidental left swipe on a cute girl when you're trying to see her other pictures, though... that's painful.
  10. N

    Childless older guys (late 20s and up), how to get over kids?

    Couple points regarding looks: 1) Grooming and fitness matter, to a point. You should put effort into your appearance, and not being obese helps tremendously. This also depends on your demographic (businessman vs. hipster will be very different). But it's not the primary thing women look for...
  11. N

    Childless older guys (late 20s and up), how to get over kids?

    THROW YOUR HOT DOG DOWN THAT HALLWAY SON Seriously, if you're not planning on a relationship, the only challenge I've found with single moms is logistics. Those kids can c*ckblock you like crazy. Young girls don't necessarily want guys their age. That's a limiting belief. If you don't like...
  12. N down due to attempted suicide

    "There is but one truly serious philosophical problem and that is suicide." - Albert Camus
  13. N

    Is to ok to ask a flake what is happenning

    To make me next her in the first place? She was flirty with another guy in front of me, when I'd specifically come to her bar with the intention of taking her home after her shift (and had made that clear). I'm don't expect monogamy when I'm not willing to give it, but I don't cross wires and I...
  14. N

    Most model looking chicks are ****ed up in life

    You seem the same phenomenon in sports stars - LeBron James gets told he's the King from ninth grade onwards, and (surprise!) he's got a big ego. Having significant natural attributes can be detrimental to a personality.
  15. N

    Is to ok to ask a flake what is happenning

    I think if you ghost a girl like that and forget about her, it's actually much easier to reset and start over again down the line. I've done this a couple times - girl has gotten distant, so I next her and then down the line she's all about me again when we happen to meet. One girl told me I...
  16. N

    What should my reaction be if any?

    If a girl texts to apologize, make a joke about punishing or spanking her or something. Keep it sexual - that way the tension is maintained and you're not even admitting that she did something that bothered you. By saying "it's ok, forget about it" you're letting her know it got under your skin...
  17. N

    How to build a more interesting life

    I think singles gatherings put the women in the driver's seat by default. Not a place you want them to be (literally or figuratively!).
  18. N

    How to build a more interesting life

    I'm going to say watching more anime might be detrimental to your social life. I'd suggest cutting out anime completely. Books are fine, but attend a book club. Video games aren't - save them for when you truly have female abundance in your life. No singles events. Pick one group physical...
  19. N

    Successful Field Reports

    Setup: My bud and I roll to our favorite dive bar, where there's dancing on Friday nights after 11. Dancehall, pop, hip-hop, etc. I'm not really feeling it this particular Friday, so we're at the end of the bar chatting with the bartender who's my bud's roommate. Suddenly there's a pool of light...
  20. N

    Been reading The Rational Male

    I think this is one of the hardest things about Game to learn. I spatially visualize it as me always looking forward, taking in the surroundings, planning my life according to what I see. Women come in to the side and slightly behind me, and in front is the plethora of new experiences...