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  1. N

    44 Y.O. Ninja meeting a 24 Y.O HB9 from POF this Saturday? WTF?

    OP doesn't sound intriguing enough. Proof or it's BS.
  2. N

    Too embarrassed to ask

    Marry her:D
  3. N

    You've Outgrown Your Friends

    It is amusing *and* disgusting that some guys think getting ***** is the end game of being "alpha." That's all they do and obsess with. They don't understand that it's more about making your own way in the world and living out your potential. Who's your arm is just a nice accessory. It is a...
  4. N

    Unsure how to proceed on

    Whatever the venue and activity of your date, make sure it's where you can shine being your best self. If you go to a restaurant, the staff would recognize you and you can engage in brief smooth talk, that sort of thing. The manager (plus, if she is an attractive woman) would come and say, "Mr...
  5. N

    You've Outgrown Your Friends

    Blaming others is projection, a part of human nature. Nothing unusual about it. In any case, there's no blame when 2 people no longer have anything in common.
  6. N

    You've Outgrown Your Friends

    origin is right and many of his points parallel my experiences. I was very close to some people in my life. Some died, some relationships just wither due to distance, or when the emotional landscape morphs. Most of all, it's the inward changes that drive people apart - growth if you will...
  7. N

    My ugliest online date leaves after one drink rofl

    You were cold to her, offered no kino, no escalation... you could have moved the chair and sat next to her or have gone to another venue. So what made her a 5.5 instead of a 6? An extra mole/wrinkle on her face? You didn't behave like a lover. It was very obvious you thought she was beneath...
  8. N

    Unsure how to proceed on

    Looks like it has worked out despite the fact that you don't know what you're doing. Between now and the 24th, I suggest you read up on dating tips on CH or otherwise and see if any apply to your situation. Also talk to other women to keep your desperation/obsession levels low. You can't be...
  9. N

    Cheated on girlfriend, but want her back. What to do?

    I'd read the other replies, but I can't, so I don't know if I'm being redundant. The gist is: 1) She stayed with you in the earlier years, because you were the provider. It says a lot about her character. No matter how poor, a giving woman would find a way to give back. She paid groceries...
  10. N

    When a woman wants to take it slow

    If anyone says they want it slow, it means that somehow you've been too over-eager/desperate/lower value. Reverse it by pulling off the Witness Protection Program.
  11. N

    Women with smelly / Stinky Vagina's

    Funny how this thread is far more poetic than usual compared to other topics such as falling in love.
  12. N

    My girlfriend was tricked into doing a perverted, women abuse fetish "indie" film

    Much ado about nothing. 7 hours behind schedule is no big deal. Crews in other parts of the world deal with much worse. It's a ****ing amateur film. If she was being attacked for real, then maybe your reaction would be right. Rantings of an Alpha-wannabe.