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  1. C

    worst version Nice guy into REAL MAN in a marriage

    Thanks Epimanes! I will search and read...
  2. C

    worst version Nice guy into REAL MAN in a marriage

    thanks for the link! I have already taken some actions (are they any good?) I work on these every day.. not easy - They should be natural rules/in my genes but they aren't (not yet) my dad is also a real Mr nice guy... - Take care of myself, my appearance - a passion in life / a goal which I...
  3. C

    worst version Nice guy into REAL MAN in a marriage

    Target/Goal= From" worst version Nice guy" into real man/DJ in a Marriage hello all! I have a 10 years relationship - and we live 7 years together! My past: the worst version of a mister Nice guy I would even say I was a sissy :-) My present: I a search to become a real man/male DJ...