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  1. D

    Rules for getting the girl that says no

    Sorry, but what is 'AW' an abbrevation for ?
  2. D

    Girl really confuses me.

    Or maybe she's busy, bad at texting? I know these situations are rare, but sometimes it seems PUAs discard every other explanation, besides "she's not interested" (which admittedly is by far the most rational reason). I agree with the flow thing though. But maybe she's worth it? Some girls...
  3. D

    Girl really confuses me.

    True, but Rome wasn't build in one day. Sometimes it takes time to build attraction and during the course, she might get confused about the whole ordeal. You can easily push her away by acting needy in these situations. She might be interested, think you're cute and initiate the dating. But...
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    Girl really confuses me.

    In some cases, she might not know what she actually wants. Maybe she's been hurt before and is trying to protect her neck. But I don't think this is one of those cases.
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    Girl replies late, but otherwise seems interested

    Cheers Harry, great piece of advice. I don't know if I came off as sounding super needy in my original post, but I have never been at the stage where I was writing her every single day. It has perhaps been 3 times a week a most. And the neediness I'm letting out here, is the internal stuff. It...
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    Girl replies late, but otherwise seems interested

    Yeah I'm considering going cold for a bit. Regarding the sex point. I am trying. But I can't force things. This chick takes some working.
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    Girl replies late, but otherwise seems interested

    I agree that my inner game is not up to par at this point. This is not something I'm showing externally though. Either way, yes, she is my focal point and I am aware that I need to flip my state of mind. It is easier said than done. And I actually do have other girls around. They are just...
  8. D

    Boldest move you've ever made?

    Not sure how 'bold' this is, but I still kinda enjoyd it so much; Few years back, a girl hit on me in a bar. We ended up exchanging numbers, but I denied her knowing my name. During the week, we set up a date for next Saturday. She kept asking for my name, but I kept refusing giving it to her...
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    Girl replies late, but otherwise seems interested

    My point exactly. Why would you ever call someone, who you were trying to blow off or had lost interest for? I am taking everything non-reactive, just playing it cool and casual. Teasing her, making her laugh etc. She did the exact same thing last Monday. I texted, she called when she got off...
  10. D

    Advice needed

    Her being ashamed of her job does not reflect on you. It is her lie and probably one she had told more than just you. I wouldn't put too much into it, unless you get turned off by her insecurity of telling the truth to whichever stranger she meets online. Instead focus on the fact, that you...
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    Girl replies late, but otherwise seems interested

    Hi players, So I've been seeing this chick for about a month. She started chasing me, but the balance in contact has always been good. Recently, she started being very late in replying though. I know for a fact that she has been super busy at work, opening a new store for her job, but in my...