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  1. V

    Cold shower benefits

    This is something really interesting I recently discovered, and it is the Cold shower! I found that developing the habit of taking only cold showers has alot of benefits for our wellbeingness, both physically and mentally. The base is that when you take a cold shower, you put your body on...
  2. V

    Unleash the Beast(not literally)

    So that super epic thread about masturbation is gone uh? Too bad. This is something too important to be simply flushed away like that(ah! You see the analogy here?) I want to say FU!K that censorship. There could be a mistake here or there due to English being not my mother language, I...
  3. V

    Posture fix help

    Hi DJ's, ill go straight to the point, my years spent behind a computer as an AFC, gave some problems to my posture(oor we could say to my bones structure). Basically my left pec is slightly protruding more than the right one, meaning that my sternum is slightly turned from left-to-right I...