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  1. C

    A quick way to become a Don Juan

    hello!! first to say you hi and welcome here, I am pretty new here and I like it wery much. we can learn a lot and help the other boys with their problems. just want to tell you that you are right about that paradima be-do-have. not only here that works in life... I had try the...
  2. C

    Off the wall phrases?

    maybe the best thing is that you go on first stage off NLP. there you will learn, not only the hypnotic words (SS), you will learn also how to make a rapport with the girl. when you make a rapport with the girl, subcoscius of that girl like you allready, that means that girl like you but she...
  3. C

    Is there anyone who can help me?

    well first, you are not nuts, like some say that you are. I had some similar problem like you. I like the girl and I didnt know her. the best thing to do is to listen what Vronski sad to you. I agree with him. learn, just learn and stay away from that girl for a some time. maybe you...