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  1. N

    It's over and I'm crushed.....

    I recommend renting the movie "Castaway" with Tom Hanks. It is truly a deep movie. The next to the last scene where Chuck Nolan is relating his philosophy on how he is going to cope with the loss of his girl is a moment of pure and sublime truth. Perhaps a bit painful but full of much...
  2. N

    What every skinny guy should know...

    Re: Re: FIVE STARS Like I said earlier, most people disagree with me on this. I still think given the context of this discussion *skinny guys* that running is essential, even during bulking, (your mileage may vary.) Nine out of ten skinny guys will stay skinny until they can run a mile in...
  3. N

    What every skinny guy should know...

    YES In fact, if you don't put on some fat while bulking, you did it wrong. This is basic thermodynamics. You must have a calorie surplus to gain weight and build muscle. You will always store a portion of excess calories as fat. If you are soft and jiggle, cut until you stop jiggling...
  4. N

    What every skinny guy should know...

    FIVE STARS This is the best thing out of Pook in a long time. Good enough to move me to make my first post in about 6 months. I've gone from 5'11" 124# to 5'11" 168# over roughly the last 3 years and it has made a huge difference. People have more respect for you. You have more respect...
  5. N

    The Baby Bust Generation

    Pook Oh, come on! yourself, Mr. Pook. You have demonstrated a basic facility with the English language; my meaning should have been very clear: This is observed across all cultures. As personal wealth increases, average fecundity falls. And yet you presume that the correlation is...
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    The Baby Bust Generation

    Birth rates in western nations are decreasing but population will continue to increase for decades thanks to increased longevity, reduced infant mortality, and immigration. Even China's population is expected to grow for another 4 decades despite the one-child program.
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    New Venue, New Stuff to Do

    Austin is awesome as far as access to 20,000 female college students at the nation's largest university but it has a few drawbacks. Traffic is bad and getting worse. It is the state capital and overrun with politicians and lawyers like DC. The weather. Summers are hot as hades, with...
  8. N

    The Baby Bust Generation

    ShortTimer, My 'source' is a BBA in Economics. I don't think it would serve anyone's interest for me to attempt to break down an entire academic field from an undergrad's perspective in a few thousand words or less. If you are truly interested in learning economic theory, you have a few...
  9. N

    The Baby Bust Generation

    The economic model does NOT require more people to achieve higher utility. The economic model only requires that we achieve ever higher levels of utility. This can be accomplished by harvesting additional raw materials (LAND), employing more people (LABOR), accumulating more tools and...
  10. N

    The Baby Bust Generation

    A (very) brief economics primer Economists recognize precisely four kinds of resources: 1. Land 2. Labor 3. Capital 4. Entrepeneurship Land is the category for physical resources as most people think of them, the rocks and black goo that lie about without value until transformed...
  11. N

    Chatting & IM'img--What Do You Think?

    Depends on if the girl is into that. If they like using a messenger go for it. If they aren't already in the habit forget it because they give you this look like you are the world's biggest geek. Try to stick with messengers that let you lurk in invisible mode though. You don't want to get...
  12. N

    Does things get better in the late 20's & 30's?

    So far, every aspect of my life gets better every year. That includes during years when times are tough, when I've lost jobs, had major shakeups whatever. It's one of those things that is so great about being a man instead of a woman. We get better and better with age. I feel better, I...
  13. N

    "Speed" Dating Revisited

    I haven't tried it so this is all second hand. Apparently it is all sort of cheesey but has a few things going for it. You get a go/no go decision out of multiple women quickly: -You meet several women in a short span -You only get contact information for those who indicate they are...
  14. N

    how much younger you guys willing to go?

    22. But she better be able to act at least her age. Otherwise I'm going to want to choke and/or spank her, but not in a good way.
  15. N

    right time to get married?

    Five years age difference is a much bigger deal for 25/20 than for 25/30. She still isn't able to buy her own beer in most places. Since she has so much to experience still, I'd be hesitant to jump in with both feet. I think the first thing you need to do is explore your motivations here. If...
  16. N

    Speed Seduction not for the mature man?

    If by SS you mean the NLP based stuff of running "patterns" and "imbedding commands", then I'd have to say it doesn't belong in this forum. Any woman who is so easily deluded into accepting a false reality is not going to appeal to me on an intellectual level.
  17. N

    How much older are you guys willing to go

    I've gone as much as 8 years older. I nominally draw the line somewhere around 5 years but it isn't a hard target, just a preference that has developed over time. More than about 5 years and it can become difficult to relate culturally sometimes. It can be difficult to pin down precisely...
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    The "Grown Folks" Forum is Back!

    Nice replacement for the Unusual Techniques - SS Jedi Mind Control board. :D
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    Can I get a little perspective from the DJs who are beyond wearing their pants 4 sizes too big? Now that I am in my early 30's a new wrinkle has presented itself for me. Most of the women I am interested in getting to know are old enough that they can hear their biological clock ticking...
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    Demi/Ashton thing

    My best relationship ever was with a woman who was 8 years older. Go for it.