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  1. J

    The Hagakure

    Sorry if you've already seen this... I've read a lot of stuff about how books on old Japanese and Chinese ways of life (The Art of War being the one that crops up a lot) can help you sort out many of todays problems - like being prepared and a anticipating the oppositions next move etc. etc...
  2. J

    Eye Contact (why it's important)

    Now I know the quote itself is old and Call m Candy may have tried this by now. But this can have very amusing effects - wear bright contact lenses - I'm not talking crazy ones that make you look like a lunatic but bright natural blue or perhaps green - you'll notice an instant difference when...
  3. J

    DJ Online Correspondence University... Classes starting soon!

    What's the deal with this thing guys - Have you started it already? Can I still join in? I move town early 2003 and it's to a heavily female Uni populated area (oh yes!) Cannot really kick off til then but would like the info - I may even start it off with a couple between a couple of friends...