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  1. L

    Questions for Sir Chancelot and all

    Thank you to everyone who posted and especially to those who had the maturity to listen to what I was saying. I wrote a few comments in regard to several posts but I couldn't get back on the board. Now the moment has passed....but I appreciate your responses nonetheless. RK Tek, Don't...
  2. L

    Questions for Sir Chancelot and all

    It seems that I'm writing a book after all Yes, let's do that. I once had the privilege of being the girlfriend of a man who was extraordinarily successful with women. He just had that certain something about him that attracts women to him. Now, you wouldn't be able to ask him how he does it...
  3. L

    Questions for Sir Chancelot and all

    (continue) I didn't fail to realize that about men. That's why I used Roseanne Barr as an example. Point being, seduction doesn't work if your 'target' doesn't find you physically attractive and if she does find you attractive then you don't need to try to seduce her. Here's a little secret...
  4. L

    Questions for Sir Chancelot and all

    Sir Chancealot, I guess I touched a nerve! I couldn't get back to this until now--real life got in the way In the interest of brevity I'll limit my responses to the more salient points in your posts. I know your response to this so I'll save you the trouble: "That's ******** for: I'll just...
  5. L

    Questions for Sir Chancelot and all

    Whatsup, What questions? I didn't see any questions in your post. Please repost them
  6. L

    Questions for Sir Chancelot and all

    Sir Chancealot, Thanks for responding but that's alot to digest. I'll get back to you. Give me some time. Booty, Ripped to shreds? nonsense
  7. L

    Questions for Sir Chancelot and all

    Don't kid yourself that women aren't that concerned with physical appearance. We don't use a rating system 1-10 like men do because what women find attractive in men varies from woman to woman however a woman wants an attractive (to her) man and she'll decide if he meets that criteria in the...
  8. L

    Questions for Sir Chancelot and all

    I've lurked here for a bit but have been discouraged from posting because of the "girls not allowed" atmosphere however I'll post this anyway against my better judgement. In reading about speed seduction and DJ principles, Sir Chancelot seems to be the most vocal supporter of both so I'll...