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  1. U

    Do I call her out on this?

    Yeah I know she doesn't owe me anything and shes free to do whatever, we not together. If I was my best guy friend I would tell me self stay far away. I'm sure shes gonna text me sometime today I'm just gonna have to ignore it I think.
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    Do I call her out on this?

    Hi, Long story short saw my ex Sunday after 6 months of not seeing her, but talking to her sometimes. It went well, decent conversation and some kissing at the end. Still threw some red flags up that she's still like her old self, in a bad way....She still drinks too much. Anyway I have...
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    Ex Broke what?

    Nice, solid advice guys. More than likely, her old habits are still there. I know she's tried to clean up her act every now and again but always reverts to being a bit wild....not going to put up with that, nor any mind games or other sh1t. I will give her a shot to demonstrate why shes worth...
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    Ex Broke what?

    We mainly broke up because she had some drinking issues. She was great to be with one on one, but if you get her and her friends together they start taking shots like there's no tomorrow. She started fights twice at bars with other girls and I told her I couldn't deal with that, she needs to...
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    Ex Broke what?

    I broke up with this girl in june. I decided I had to go NC with her for my own sanity if nothing else. I have seen her twice while out on the town with other girls which pissed her off since she sent me a couple nasty texts about those girls....that was a couple months ago. She texts me...
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    Should I still spend time with her?

    Haha yeah it's really quite tricky. My work station faces hers so it's pretty impossible to ignore her, she has to walk past me to get to certain places, etc. On top of that she told other co workers we made out so rumors abound. Probably not the best idea I ever had, but I had fun.
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    Should I still spend time with her?

    Yeah you're right. The logical part of my brain says just be friends with her. It is really hard for me to keep attraction going with her since we work together and I try to keep everything professional while's hard to be charming and interesting 40 hours a week. I kinda miss how...
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    Should I still spend time with her?

    Yeah I was really off last night. I was surprised when she said she wanted to come over and I just wasn't feeling that great overall. She was really tired from having a very early meeting and it just wasn't clicking. We jammed out for a bit and tried to record a song, but then I just started...
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    Should I still spend time with her?

    So, background info: I started going out with this girl from work on weekends. First time out with another friend we had a good time and ended up making out. Second time was even better, she seemed even more into me, we made out in a bar and went back to her house and did some more making...
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    Damage Control?

    Yeah not much to lose at all. I kinda figure I'm going to be more direct and get her out 1 on 1. If she's into me like she's said, I don't see any reason she would decline.
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    Damage Control?

    Yeah I know. I didn't mean to get involved but she actually was the one who asked me to go out the first couple times....took me a little by surprise. And shes let it be known she has a thing for me, I'm a little torn between escalating or just saying forget it.
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    Damage Control?

    I suppose I'll find out tomorrow. Anyone else want to weigh in?
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    Damage Control?

    So I said yeah you should just go have fun with him since you seem to like him so much and she says well I also like you I'm free spirit right now and my situation is complicated (which it clearly is living with a guy she doesn't like anymore). We left after that, went back to her place and...
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    Damage Control?

    That's true. If she declines it's not as if I'm going to throw a fit or die. The one thing I do know is that not talking to her isn't an option, we cross paths too often.
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    Damage Control?

    Here's Some Background, There is this HB9 at work that I've been seeing. We've gone out (never completely 1 on 1), had a good time did some making out. She does has a "bf" she says she doesn't like anymore but still lives with him, but shes let it be known that she likes me. Last week we...