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  1. I

    Why do guys, men have to better themselves, improve themselves, more than women do?

    in order to make yourself attractive, desirable to the oppossite sex? Why do men, guys, have to make themselves "stand out" way more than girls, women do, in order to get laid? to get a date, a relationship? An insecure girl can get a boyfriend or date, get laid, but an insecure guy, the...
  2. I

    Is it wrong that I sometimes feel like instigating violence, beating up a girl's bf

    beating up a girl's boyfriend out of jealousy, anger, frustration, for hating having to approach, initiate, take charge, take control, make things happen, go after what you want, overall, the rules and standards, expectations of masculinity, seriously, i often times feel like i would rather use...
  3. I

    Is it Biology, Evolution, Science, that we guys always have to do the approaching?

    That we guys have to make the first move and all the other moves, starting the conversations, ask the girl out, initiating the dates and the relationship, overall, initiate everything, or just initiate everything in the beginning, doing the pursuing, chasing. Most people never bother to fully...
  4. I

    Are most guys born with "game"? are they are born with the social-skills?

    conversation-skills, talking-skills, people-skills, confidence, overall, "game" from day one, one they hit puberty? Because thats what it seems like for most guys, or just a lot of guys, it's like from the moment guys hit puberty, they become interested in the oppossite sex(in this case girls)...
  5. I

    Does it really get harder girls as they get older, but easier for us guys as we age?

    It's a debate, topic, discussion i've always heard about, does it really get harder for women as they get older, but the oppossite for men as they get older? The way someone told me and it has made me more curious about it, he said "A guy can get a woman at pretty much any age, but it doesn't...