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  1. M

    How to grow b***s?

    Yes. But it's advice i've been given time and time again, It's done nothing for me. The thing which has given me confidence is believing in myself, doing things which make me feel awesome and thinking about not giving a ****. All I want to do is just do it, but first I need to know how to do...
  2. M

    Boring school life= not having much to say = Losing game- HELP

    What NorwegianDJ says about lowering your criteria of conversation is absolutely true. But you must be energetic. I'm a guitarist, and I can talk about the woods of soundboards, but as long as I'm energetic and enthusiastic about them I can command interest. Bring energy to the conversation...
  3. M

    A typical love in high school with questions.

    Conversation is a difficult thing. I too was ( And to a degree still am ) hopeless at conversation. What NorwegianDJ says about Inner Confidence, is without a doubt the best advice that you'll get in this thread. Anyway, a few basic notes about conversation. -Maintain multiple threads A thread...
  4. M

    How to grow b***s?

    It's quite easy to say 'just do it', I tell myself that all the time! Often to little avail. Personally I believe confidence is a very hard thing to aquire, I recently have started to listen to NLP audio files. Self-hypnosis if you like, Ross Jeffries, and the things he advocates, in how you...
  5. M

    The Quickest Way to Lose Weight

    Well that's how the atkins diet works, protein calories are used as a source of energy in the absence of carbohydrates, and excess protein calories are simply expelled in the form of faeces, however protein calories are not as useful as carbohyderate calories. So if your only source of...
  6. M

    Stalling on Military Press

    Bring the progression down, introduce 8*3 dips on your Bench day ( I presume you're still on starting strength ). Up your protein, calories, sleep and stop fapping. OHP for me was the hardest thing to progress on too, Dips really help.
  7. M

    The Quickest Way to Lose Weight

    Goodness me, I'm no weight-loss expert ( I'm fortunate enough to be bulking and I have no yet had to cut ) but I know that what you advise is rather silly. Whilst weight loss is fairly simple, it's certainly not supposed to be done in the way you advise. General advise is to work out one's...
  8. M

    GOMAD(Gallon of Milk A Day)

    Hmm.... They are expensive, but Kg/£ they are the cheapest source out there, short of baked beans and spam. You've just got to make that initial investment of 50£ to buy a big tub of it. If you can't mix it with milk, mabye you have a lactose intolerance? But then, why would you be asking about...
  9. M

    im probably just overanalyzing... but

    I think you're over-analysing. It's facebook man, ****ing technology, there's a multitude of things which could have happened that are more likely that her sending you a message back. It's facebook, where you can send a total stranger a request to become your 'friend', if she has even had the...
  10. M

    How to stop masterbation?

    Yeah that's right. I'm 16, so clearly masterbation is a problem, however I find it rather hard to go even 24 hours without it, on any given day I might masterbate 7 or 8 times. Testosterone is a useful hormone, I being 16 create a considerable amount, and I want to keep it. However...
  11. M

    GOMAD(Gallon of Milk A Day)

    No. Soya milk increases your estrogen, which is female hormone. So if you want boobs and fat around your hips, sure, drink and eat soya, GOMAD is only useful for people who don't care about looking like ****, if you're having trouble getting your daily protein, supplement your intake with some...
  12. M

    The Guitarists' Accountability Thread

    Hello. I've been playing guitar for 4 years. I like to think I've got a natural talent for the instrument, but as i'm constantly told that is useless without practice, which is something I do an abysmal 1hr per week average, if that. I play electric guitar in a high-school band, we only do...
  13. M

    Testosterone: The simple answer to everything chick-related... and more?

    It's so hard to stop masterbating though!
  14. M

    GOMAD(Gallon of Milk A Day)

    Stick to Cottage Cheese and PB, unless you happen to live on a dairy farm and have no access to other protein sources I wouldn't advise GOMAD, whilst you should drink a lot of bed. Before bed, because milk is full of Casein protein, which are essential and slow working, good for long anabolic...
  15. M

    The uniqueness of High School

    Correct me if I'm wrong. But I must think of every reason why I am all the things in the OP and then....? I geuss to do like what Ross Jeffries says, look in a mirror every day and repeat those things. Is that internalisation?
  16. M

    The uniqueness of High School

    Wise words, the Observations here are ones I recognise in my 'alpha' friends regularly. I see that all this is true, and I am able to think of examples of how I will use this. I see it in my friends and I recognise it, I have done so for a while, yet it's so hard to replicate. To become the...