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  1. M

    Types of women to avoid?

    clingers, rebounders, liars, single moms looking for baby daddy, gold diggers
  2. M

    Female Facebook Factor = Fad?

    women will always have facebook for attention, looking for better guys, or to boost their ego. why would they ever give it up?
  3. M

    Think girlfriend is IN LOVE with her bestfriend(girl)

    get it on with the both of them :)
  4. M

    So on average here, what's everyones take on having kids?

    too much time and money. i'm not having any until i get older
  5. M

    The truth about women, the sex they have, and how guys handle it

    Then you should see some of the girls at my school lol Even the "pure" girls have a guy around.
  6. M

    gf fighting and being mean to me

    i think maybe a few days away from her might do some good idk. really confused here. any help you guys can help me with?
  7. M

    The truth about women, the sex they have, and how guys handle it

    i believe this! girls at my school go through guys like water. if they have a bf they have another guy right after they break up. i thought it was weird that they had a new bf that fast when they never were dating. now i know why. good stuff!
  8. M

    Do you ever feel like giving up

    my gf makes me like giving up sometimes. she is mean
  9. M

    Not responding to flakes(Text)

    sounds ok to me. she isn't worth your time when she flakes i would not go not a date when she flakes i would not even talk to her at all if that was me.
  10. M

    How a girlfriend will dump you: The old fight and break up routine

    this is how my gf is acting with me!! insightful stuff. she talked about our future last week. our sex is less and she fights with me just to fight. maybe she is waiting for the big one. i thinking about cutting ties with her but im not sure how bad she will react to it.
  11. M

    Big Mouthed Women

    my gf has a BIG mouth sometimes
  12. M

    gf fighting and being mean to me

    my gf has been fighting with me for a while. seems like I get under her skin all the time for nothing. some days she will be loving and fun wanting to cuddle have sex or just goof around. most days she's just plain mean or mad at me for nothing at all. I just go about my business and chill with...
  13. M

    Ever get sick of your AFC friends?

    I have 2 and they make me feel down. think I might becoming one with my gf. she is always fighting with me over stupid things.
  14. M

    When your girlfriend starts losing interest in you, dump her first

    Yikes!! My gf is fighting with me all the time. She shows interest sometimes but its me that always makes the effort. Think I should consider this cuz dnt see things getting any better with us.