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  1. T

    How Do you handle a girl like this?

    she's mad at life because she knows she's fat, ugly with kids and worthless, don't waste your time.
  2. T

    I know where i mess up. How do I fix it.

    I don't think you'll have a good shot at getting in her pants. she knows how you are, it'll just be a huge uphill battle. might as well forget about her, infact ignore her like that guy above said, she'll only hold you back from getting better at this point.
  3. T

    Harshly and unexpectedly rejected in the midst of success.

    I think you wasted too much time trying to make a date out of it, she wanted you to come over, fvck her and leave. nothing more than that.
  4. T

    Is there a time where "Nice guys finish first?"

    only in the movies...
  5. T

    New to forum. Have a couple questions

    just one chics amongst millions of chics, try your direct approach like you're wanting, it may work, it may not work. It has worked in the past for me, but you really just have to try it. I think it really works well as long as you dont try to force it.
  6. T

    Inexperienced girl thinks she's asexual

    I hope you never tell a gay guy you never tried a big black cawk, otherwise following your advice, you should deep throat it. anyway, the more you try to "show" her what she's missing, the more she'll resent you. She already rejected you. she knows what she wants, and it's not you. just accept...
  7. T

    Women are *****es!

    yeah I wanted to post the same thing Cherokee said. Chics just want to get fvcked by strong guys because they would have the best genes. Just be somewhat of a jerk to em and it'll give off the same effect.
  8. T

    This is my last post on the Forums

    He probably got tired of it all, you can only deal with the same thing so many times before it just urks you. I get that way sometimes.
  9. T

    Beware women who play sports too often...

    she's doing everything to you that you should have been doing to her. have an active social life, being just a little unavailable, all the while you're trying all kinds of things to impress her. it's all backwards.
  10. T

    Gone Cold?

    stop trying to get girls into relationships, that's their job, to get you into a relationship. This is what happens when guys try to take the chic role. if your gut is telling you something's not right, then it probably isn't. but what you gunna do? you cant force her, so you might as well...
  11. T

    How can I be sexual without being labeled as a pervert?

    SeymourCake, i wouldnt take too much advice about this from guys on this board, most of them are angry at women, hate themselves, or just worst with women than you are. really its something you have to go out there and figure out yourself, the minute you have to start thinking about a set of...
  12. T

    A College Acquaintance (Help Needed)

    she didn't forget. She ditched you for something else, who knows what. she didnt apologize either from the looks of it. you didn't call her out on her ditching you, so now you're letting her know that's acceptable for her to do to you. No contact might work if she has higher interest than you...
  13. T

    What would you do ?

    you just filling your head with negative thoughts
  14. T

    When to contact again

    how did you say goodbye to her? a hug? a kiss? handshake?
  15. T

    Girl says that shes just a tease, is this a lost cause? Need help!

    she's just using you, and she is just bad news for your life, surround yourself with people that can improve your life, not drain you. you would have never seen that $20. and if you did, she probably "borrowed" it from another guy by telling him another pack of lies, she wouldn't have given you...
  16. T

    Just a really funny thing that I found look, it's the same thing word for word and you can see it's written by a chick. so your chic, copied and pasted something written by another chic. Do you see how generic all chics are? also, we all know that what a chic says she wants is...
  17. T

    HB9..How to start a relationship?

    let the girl bring up the relationship thing; Social Leper is exactly right.
  18. T

    "The Good Guy" is overrated. Being a jerk is the way to go.

    when in doubt, go by WWJD. what would a Jerk do good advice. got that from some post in here a week ago or so.
  19. T

    Explain this to me

    called. she said that the persona you're trying to portray in this post doesn't match what you said in your previous ones. good luck to you.
  20. T

    Explain this to me

    yeah, you touched a sore spot, now what?