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  1. M

    Are dating apps bad news for most guys?

    THIS.. except for I wonder what the hell is wrong with them when they are attractive.
  2. M

    Opinion on my body proportions

    How are you only 164???? I am 200+, your height, not nearly as lean, my arms are about half your size, & I bench 400+. I mean you look great, but I'd swear that you were 210+.
  3. M

    How to get stupid strength?

    Pretty much. Lifting heavy is about training your CNS. If you regularly train to failure, it's hard on your body to recover from. Not saying you can find your limits once in a while, but the goal is add weight to the bar every week when you become an immediate lifter. You can't do that when your...
  4. M

    "Advice needed for introverted guy who is having trouble finding a woman I have a connection with!

    You and I are nearly identical. Introverted, shy, and no social circle. Hell, I get nervous posting on here. I thought about making an OLD account but what's the point? I don't even like to date myself. Basically we need a complete personality and mentality overhaul. Shy guys just get run over...
  5. M

    All these women, who, are in their 30s, job = under $40k, yet they have all this money? Parents?

    It's already been said, but lifestyles can be borrowed with high interest. You can have all sorts of nice things if you borrow for them and pay the minimum.
  6. M

    are skinny guys attractive?

    Sure they do. I look all around me see them with guys wearing skinny jeans. Makes me wonder why I bother going to the gym. You should still lift and gain weight though. I can't imagine navigating this world without being strong.
  7. M

    Grip strength

    Stop worrying about training your forearms in isolation and start moving around heavy weights, ie deadlifts and weighted chinups.
  8. M

    Never again will I be a chump

    After much self-reflection on my failings and loneliness, I wrote these pledges to myself. All of this is already documented on here but I had to write it for myself. Dear Women, Never again will I apologize for the car I drive. Never again will I apologize for my frugal spending. Never...
  9. M

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    Day 3 of NC. This breakup happened many months ago. I was on day 34 but she texted me asking, "How is it was going." I caved and responded back, saying, "It's going well, blah, blah, blah." The bigger mistake I made was sending another text later, "Nothing has changed for me. I would still...
  10. M

    My training log

    8-31-11 Power Cleans 10x155 10x175 10x185 Dumbbell Military Press 6x70's 6x75's 6x80's 3x80's, finished with 55's Bent-over row 10x155 10x165 10x165 One Leg Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift 10x30's 10x35's 10x40's Situps 15x70 12x75 10x75 Dumbbell Curl to...
  11. M

    My training log

    8-29-11 Bench/Deadlift Superset Bench 6x250 6x275 6x295 6x305 (need a bit of help on #6 rep) Deadlift 6x285 6x315 6x350 6x365 Lat Pull Down 10x190 10x200 7x210 Leg Curls 6x120 6x125 6x130 6x135 Shoulder Flys'/ Overhead Press 10x15 10x20 10x25...
  12. M

    Meal Preparation for a Bachelor

    If you want to be big and lean there are a few things you must do. 1. Eat breakfast. Eat every 3-4 hours. You need to always keep fuel on the fire. You body needs that energy to grow. 2. Start viewing eating as less of an enjoyment and more of a necessity. Eating health requires some...
  13. M

    How often should I bench?

    Been benching 2-3 times a week for nearly 10 years. YMMV.
  14. M

    My training log

    8-15-11 Dumbbell Bench 10x105's 10x110's 10x115's Squats 6x275 6x295 6x315 6x335 Cable Row 6x220 6x230 6x240 6x250 Calf Raises 10x275 10x295 10x315 Dumbbell Military Press 10x65's 10x70's 10x70's Narrow Bench 10x195 10x195 10x185 (had to back...
  15. M

    My training log

    8-8-11 Power Clean 6x155 4x185 2x225 1x250 (miss) Bench 10x245 8x260 6x275 4x300 2x335 1x405 Cable Row 6x240 6x260 6x260 6x260 Calf Raises 10x275 10x300 10x325 Front Raises 10x35's 10x40's 10x40's Cable Situps 15x60 15x80 10x85 Weighted...
  16. M

    My training log

    8-5-11 Deadlift 6x275 6x305 6x325 6x350 Alternating dumbbell bench 10x105's 8x105's 7x105's Row Pull 8x125 8x130 5x130, finished with 115 Leg Raises x30 x30 x19 One leg Romanian Deadlift 10x40's 10x45's 10x50's Dumbbell curl to press (palms face...
  17. M

    My training log

    So four months later... BW=205 I've been taking glucosamine and fish oil supplements to combat my knee and back pain caused by inflammation. Been able to throw heavy weight on my shoulders without an incredible amount of pain. Not 100% cured though. Squats 10x265 10x285 10x305 Bad day for...
  18. M

    So I've been benching and I don't feel my chest is getting worked

    I would focus less on worrying about feeling "the burn" and spend more time finding someone to spot you and work on benching progressively heavier weight.
  19. M

    What should I do with my life?

    I was and still kinda am in your shoes. College fills our heads with garbage. "Oh you'll be so respected. You'll be ever so smart." The truth is you know nothing and that hit you like a ton of bricks, like it hit me. When you get out in the world no one give a damn about your education...
  20. M

    Health insurance in the US.

    At my job you get a discount on health insurance if you had a "health assessment." When I started there the only health question they asked you that affected premiums were smoker/non smoker. So I went in there thinking that I would be considered obese being 5'8" 205lbs. However, they did a...