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  1. M

    WHEN to make her feel insecure

    Along the lines of the neg hit, every once in a while I'll make a woman insecure. Sounds manipulative, but hear me out. I ONLY do this when: 1. She's battling me for control 2. She's contradicting herself with the feminist garbage about how "equal" women are, yet how much MORE she expects...
  2. M

    Ten Things chicks look for, in order

    There are many exceptions, but ive found that there are ten things women look for in a guy. Most of us have learned that most guys think that PERSONALITY is the key to creating the opportunity for love. But you've gotta pass the "man" test first. 1. Social Power. This is NOT necessarily...
  3. M

    When to drop other girl "friends" names..

    The guy with lots of women "surrounding" him has huge built-in advantages. It can be a detriment if you dont handle it right, like bragging about it, or giving the impression that youre serious about someone else but wanting to date this new person. This is useful, because it gives you a built...
  4. M

    When NOT to treat all women the same/rating her INTELLIGENCE

    I'm still digesting the post about treating all women the same. I get it that during that period you're establishing that your a strong guy, and that you are not impressed by her to the point of compromising your own identity. There are a couple of things that psychologists can help us with...
  5. M

    The EXACT time to AFFIRM her, and when NOT to.

    It's a tight wire we all walk, but I personally think that the trickiest situation with women is WHEN to give her positive affirmation, and when to keep hold of your "guy thing attitude". The "nice guy", of course, ALWAYS affirms her. By this, i mean, tells her exactly what he thinks she wants...
  6. M

    When she brings up the "50/50" feminism.

    It's hard being a guy. We KNOW every girl wants a guy stronger, smarter, tougher, and with more earning potential than she has, but chances are still good that she's adopted the illogical feminist idealogue that women are completely equal with men.(part of this is semantics, because women have...
  7. M

    Style Follow up. Professional VS. Cave Man Debate.

    Thanks for the response to my style tip. Maybe i can clarify the problem by pointing out that women want men to LOOK BOTH..... 1. Professional (this is the "nice" look some of the guys are going for, but are finding doesnt get a second look. 2. Cave Man. Boots(hey, im not talking about pointy...
  8. M

    Using STYLE to capture immedate ATTENTION.

    I've noticed a number of posts in the discussion category that have to do with 1. failing to capture 'looks' from women and 2. Getting an immediate lukewarm response to going out on that first date. I think I know exactly what's happening and how to avoid it. Try this. 1. Trust me, you...
  9. M

    Handling Better Looking Girls, the EASY way.

    I've dated hundreds of women, and I want to humbly throw a tip or two on how to handle AskingOut/Dating women with good looks. BELIEVE ME, if you say the wrong thing before getting to know them, you'll be done without knowing what you did. I've dated at least ten "gorgeous" women. I DONT...