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  1. C

    shot down...

    So I asked this girl out that lives in my dorm, in person. The previous dates were planned over the phone. It would have been our fourth date, but I was denied. She asked if there were other people going, I said "no". Then she said she will invite some people on her floor to come along...
  2. C

    tucking dress shirt in jeans

    Does anyone do this? I see everyone wear it untucked, I was thinking about being a rebel and tucking it in.
  3. C

    Can I confide with her friend?

    Would this work to my advantage? I had the opportunity to meet the good friend of the girl I am interested in. I know how girls love to talk. Maybe she could put in a good word for me? Would it be smart to befriend her? Caesar
  4. C

    Saw a lady get mugged...

    I didn't see the actual mugging take place. I was sitting in my car at a stop light. Then a boy on the bike with a purse raced across the intersection. I thougt to myself, what's wrong with this picture? I then look to the direction he was coming from and I see two ladies running after him...
  5. C

    I'm getting stupider...

    I think I'm getting stupider, is that possible? I have final exams next week and I can't concentrate, memorize, learn anything new. My brain has reached maximum capacity.
  6. C

    she's antisocial b/c she has a bf

    You know what I hate? When girls use the "I have a boyfriend" excuse for being antisocial. I live on a co-ed floor, half the girls are antisocial because they have a boyfriend. "Hey do you want to get some lunch?" Her reply, "sorry I have a boyfriend." Okay, she didn't say it like that. You get...
  7. C

    would I have better grades if I had a gf?

    I always wondered this. I've only been on a couple date since I started college, I'm finishing up my junior year. I only have a couple friends. I only go out on Friday nights, study on the weekends. My grades are pretty decent, 3.4 ***. It would give my right hand a rest too. I do have...
  8. C

    keep in touch with ex-gf?

    Do you guys keep in touch with your ex-girlfriends? I have no intention of getting back together with them. But you can never have too many friends, right? Well I haven't talked with my ex since we broke up a year ago. I'd like to say it was a mutual break up, but we all know those don't...
  9. C

    This is the "why does everyone have boyfriends" thread.

    Why have a lot of the girls I've pursued have boyfriends? Today I volunteered for Martin Luther King day, which I must say is a great way to meet girls. So everything was going great with this one girl. I couldn't believe how ****y and funny I was. For instance, she asked me what...
  10. C

    Blockbuster/FamilyVideo pick-up

    I wasn't planning on using this as a pick up, I just thought it would be pretty funny. When you rent a video/DVD the chick asks for your phone number. When they ask I was thinking of saying "hey I'm not that easy." Yeah. Caesar
  11. C

    missed opportunity...doh

    Every math class I sit next to this one chick. Well the other day she mentioned how boring this weekend will be with all her friends going home. This went on for a couple minutes. My response? "That's too bad." What I should have said, "maybe i'll give you a call, what's your number?" I'll...
  12. C

    who should I sit with?

    I usually sit with this one girl in my econ class. Then I met with this one chick, also in that class, and she wants me to sit by her. Should I ditch the girl to sit by the other chick? Caesar
  13. C

    next her?

    Ok yesterday the girl I'm dating tells me to call her today to set up a date for tonight. I called twice but she never answered. Should I next her? She has done this to me before. Caesar
  14. C

    confront her?

    Should I confront a girl, asking her why she hasn't called me? Caesar