Search results

  1. N

    Is it possible that some guys will never get girls?

    I don't know. I've recently taken a huge hit to my confidence and I believe that I'll never get a girl again (not even a very average girl). All the women I meet either LJBF me, lie to me, blow me off, or are just *****y to me. I've tried to apply the things I've learned on this site but have...
  2. N

    Female friend acting crazy, insight would be appreciated

    I've known this girl for years and we used to be good friends. At one point though she started acting cold towards me and we stopped talking completely for months (and I should add that she suddenly started acting cold). But even when we started talking again she was still cold to me (ie giving...
  3. N

    When a girl asked what you see in her; is that just her low self esteem?

    Pretty straight forward question. Had a girl ask me what I see in her. I assume this is because of her low self esteem, she's the kind of girl that goes after so-called "players" and always gets hurt by them (though she doesn't know I'm seeing 2 other girls). Anyway, it just caught me by...
  4. N

    Girl I've hooked up with before only wants to do things where we won't have sex

    I've hooked up with her already, but every time I've suggested we just chill at my place she counters saying it's better if we went out, suggesting things like coffee, movies, other date like activities. I've not hooked up with her again after the first night, apparently she wanted to get to...
  5. N

    Might possibly be going out with the girl I used to be in love with?

    This is a girl I never got together with, we were just really close. I just never could work up the guts to tell her how I felt, and I eventually gave up when she stated dating one of my friends (not a close one though). We eventually drifted apart when I went to college, and I've maybe seen her...
  6. N

    Moral dilemma; Slutty high school girl when your in your early to mid twenties?

    Not a problem legally since she's above the age of consent (she's 17). I think it be easy enough to get with her, but what are your opinions? My only issue would be other people's opinion of how they view me. Btw, I know she's slutty because she's admitted to it.
  7. N

    Where to meet women when you work 12 hours a day?

    Is there any guys out there that also work ridiculous works (like 12+ hours everyday)? If there is, where do you guys meet women? I only have 1 woman in my life right now and I have the feeling that it won't last long (don't want to jinx it, but I'm being realistic, though I will have fun for now).
  8. N

    Telling a girl that you want to kiss her; pretty much a lost cause?

    Was hanging with this girl, and a couple other people. I leaned in to tell her something and I could tell that she thought I was doing something else. I asked her later if she thought I was gonna kiss her, which of course she thought (not surprising since we flirt a lot, but didn't want to do it...
  9. N

    What are your guys opinions on "thick" girls?

    Not talking about fat girls, just one's that are average.
  10. N

    Need advice on contacting a girl you've begun seeing

    Hi, I'm fairly new to the site, have read a little but this is the first time I've posted. I been talking to this one girl I'm into for a little bit now (less than a month). Last week she went away for a course and won't be back for another month or so. I know we're gonna talk while she's...