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    The only thing you need to pick up women

    this is the truth, when you are rich or parent's rich, money comes easy. so does women, because money represent status and class. no matter what size you are, she'll likely to put up with your small package in order to get more free stuff aka handbags, jewelry, food, etc.
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    The Secrets To Dj - Revealed

    - smile (brush your teeth, whitening if needed) - facial (wash face / trim or shave beard/unibrow/nose hair/etc) - confidence (NOT ****y. believe yourself and there is no limit to what you can achieve) - relax (DO NOT ACT nervous, be comfortable/stable mindset) - be patient (be relaxed and go...
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    how i deal with a rejected girl around me?

    i got rejected by a girl and we play sports together in a community sometimes i see her flirting with my friends so i flirt with other girls in front of her i was wondering this could be bad for my social status! i got rejected by her and yet we still remain friends :whistle: i rarely talk to...
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    when a girl tells me her sob story

    we were lying on bed closely, she talked 95% of the time and i did a few touching tricks on her (thighs and hands) but i think i missed many opportunities :confused: also several times while i was moving from uncomfortable position, my *dirty* hand accidentally poke her butt several times. i...
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    how do i pick up girls?

    say while i'm driving, this hot 9 girl walks by herself. do i honk and make eye contact plus "hello there~"
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    my dj plan did not go smooth

    i met this girl a month ago, we went on a few friendly dates (WARNING FRIENDS ZONE) :kick: today i tried to be different - i was making her smile/laugh with my dumb jokes - i rubbed/touched her feet where she injured - i asked her to be strong/faithful instead of asking for my advice - i even...
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    going away for trip

    recently i met this beautiful girl and i think i like her more than a friend but i believe i am still the friendship zone tomorrow i will be going away for two months without seeing her at all (maybe through email or skype) today i saw my friend was hitting on her and making her laugh a lot i am...
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    what should i do?

    i recently meet this cute girl through skateboarding she just got started and was falling a lot while chatting she keeps on telling me about her scars/injuires from falling i don't know if she is crying for attention or wants to me to comfort her i told her she is very brave basically i am...