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  1. L

    What age is a girl the horniest?

    I say 20. my girlfriend is 20 and she wants it all the time.
  2. L

    I've changed my approach in regard to what I really want with women

    Last night I had an epiphany. Before last night my goal with this whole seduction thing, which to me is nothing more than approaching and meeting women (Nothing shrewd or cleverness about it on my part. Just natural, uncalculated behavior), not seduction at all, was to become a player. A player...
  3. L

    Some women are Biatches ... and it can't be helped!

    I'm trying to be patient here, but it's hard. The problem is I just don't get this idea that seduction is a skill. In my opinion, IT IS NOT. Let's very briefly compare the two: A skill can be learned and mastered. Once learned, you're always able to do it. Seduction cannot be mastered...