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  1. F

    3 Hot Girls

    I am absolutely certain, 110% all three want me. Two of them are younger (college gals). The third is older, early forties. All girls are hot. All have given indications they are highly interested. One of the college gals, she runs with her social circle. I don't know any of them. Should I...
  2. F

    Social Circles Are The Best!

    OK, I posted before about girls approaching guys. I think one of the best, sure ways to get girls to approach and open first is by developing social circles. For example, the last two seminars I've taken, I've had a half dozen girls open me on the first day. The commonality of the seminar...
  3. F

    Game In Small Towns

    I grew up and still live in a pretty small town. There are not many hot girls here. In fact, most of the people around here are retired. A lot of the chicks are flat out ugly as sin, and surprisingly snobby to boot. I've tried going out recently solo, but encountered alot of warpigs. I could...
  4. F

    Girls Words Vs. Actions

    I had an interesting night out recently. I was out with a couple of pua dudes, they seemed pretty chill. I didn't do much approaching, as this stuff still weirds me out a bit. We tried gaming a large group of girls, 7 or 8 of them, all milling about, making a lot of noise, in party mode. One of...
  5. F

    Hot Girls Chase Harder

    One thing I've realized during this summer is how hard hot girls chase guys they are interested in. They lose any sense of social convention and appropriateness and do whatever they want. I've never had a problem attracting girls at night, and seeing them IOI like crazy, but seeing this during...
  6. F

    She's Gorgeous But Irritating: Would You Close Her?

    What have you done with girls who are hot but personally irritating? You know, even as I write this, I'm thinking, just go ahead with it, just close her out, and learn from it and enjoy the experience...but she can be VERY irritating which leads me to hesitate. Pros: 1. beautiful face 2...
  7. F

    How Do I Re-Ignite Buying Temperature??

    OK, this is a bit of a long post, so please hold tight, as I believe it will help me achieve a breakthrough... I have a casual summer job which happens to have quite a few pretty girls working there as well. Nice! I'd say two or three have taken a VERY strong liking to me. Girl #1...