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  1. T

    FTW, I'm Gonna Become an *******

    Alright, here's the scoop. I've been chasing this girl for the last.. 4 years? Or so. And everytime she says "I like just being friends." But I'd lay off for a couple weeks and then go back at it. But this time, I totally thought I had her. She told my best friend and his girlfriend that I would...
  2. T

    Quick Question

    Alright, I'm lookin to gain some muscle. I've read threads and I have the jist of things(protein, workout routine). But I have a quick question, I dont like going to the weight room at the high school. For Christmas I got dumb bells and The Perfect Push-Up. Now, I was curious, push-ups are a...
  3. T

    Frustrated & Low

    Hello So Suave Community. I come to you out of frustration, seeking aid. You see, I call myself "The Frustrated Chump" because I am not an AFC. I am not average. I dress good, I have friends(social proof), I have read half of The Game and I know how to read some girls. But this one is hard...