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  1. S

    In Need of Some Guidance

    Well the last year hasn't been kind to me. Let me just start at the beginning. In the fall of 2008 I started my second year in a community college. At the time I was not doing well. I'm not going to make excuses as to why I was failing my classes. The only thing that I will say is that I was...
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    When Will The Rain Stop

    Man this has been the worst summer I can remember.It has rained every single day for about a month in New England (specifically Mass.), and I'm not joking. I think in the entire month of July I can remember 3 or 4 sunny days and that's about it. The weather is so depressing.Everyday it is the...
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    Goal Planner?

    Hello guys I need help. Recently I have been working on my own personal development. I finally feel like I have the focus, and desire to actually succeed and attain my goals. I made a log of my goals. For instance I have several different goals I am working on right now. Some of them are...
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    Need Help Chooosing A Name for a Blog

    Like the title says I need help choosing a name for a blog I want to start. It is going to be a personal development blog. I wanted to start a blog for a two reasons, one I could work on my writing, and two hopefully I could look at the earlier posts to see my development. I'm planning on using...
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    Best Game Ever

    Well since I know some people in here like video games there is a new video for Killzone 2. Its the intro to the game. Best intro ever can't wait till I get my hands on the game February 27.
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    CNBC Reporting Full Liquidiation of Circuit City

    Saw this earlier didn't see a thread so I thought I might as well post it.
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    Time Warner Cable To Lose Viacom's MTV, VH1, Nickelodeon & Comedy C

    I saw this while watching comedy central. Pretty crazy stuff.
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    How To Deal With Family

    Ok It’s been a tough month and a half for me. Let me just start from the beginning. I have been over weight my entire life 5'10" 265lbs 30%BF. About 2 months ago I started a diet. When I started my family gave me all kinds of ****. Telling me I was going to fail, and saying stuff like why am I...
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    Ok so I just finished my final for English. I wrote about the different themes of Notes from the Underground, and a little about existentialism.(NFTU is incredibly complex but good) What I don't completely get is existentialism. I have a basic understanding of it enough to write a paper about...
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    Need Help WIth a Math Paper

    Fellas I need your help. I have to write a math paper. Specifically on the probability of winning the lottery. The problem is I suck at Math and know very little about probabilities. This is a final project for my Math class. We have to do something that we didn't cover in class, and I'm stuck...
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    Game of the Year 2008

    I want to introduce the winner for game of the year 2008. I don't really care if I get flamed for this. Little Big Planet is a day one purchase for me. Seriously there are so many levels I want to create. I can't wait for this game to come out.
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    Learning New Languages

    Is it possible to more than two new languages later in life? I would really like to know if anyone here learned a new language later in life or if anyone has any success stories they would like to share. At the moment I am trying to learn Japanese. I took a Japanese class at my local...
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    Interesting Guy

    I saw this link on another thread. It was about a homeless man with some interesting thoughts. This guy has an interesting take on life. It was really nice to listen to, but too bad the guys who where filming this are retarded. Just some cool...
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    Financial Independence

    Ever since I found this site I have been thinking about the direction of my life. I don't want chase the "American Dream" as in the white picket fence, 9 to 5 job etc... Since I am still young I have been looking into becoming financially independent. I want to become financially independent so...
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    To All the Writers

    I have always dreamed of writing a book, but my writing skills are lacking. Anyone know how to become a better writer? Any help would be appreciated. If you have any tips/advice that could help me I would be eternally grateful.
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    How Would You Handle This?

    I wanted to add a little humor to this site so i thought of this topic. I was just recently watching one of my favorite movie Clerks, and in one of the most famous/funny scenes ever the main char GF reveals to him that she sucked 36 other guys d***s. What would be the most DJ way to handle...
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    Specific Workout

    Hey guys just started working out last week. I need some help on a specific workout. I am a fat ass, but I enjoy playing basketball. I was wondering if anyone on here could help me make a workout specifically designed to help me lose weight and get better at basketball. Stats 5'10" 265 lbs...
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    In Need of Some Serious Help

    I need some help badly. Currently I am 5'10" tall and weigh 265lbs I know I'm a fat bastard:D , but I need help. My goal is to weigh 180 lbs. I know it will be a lot of work and I am committed to make the changes necessary for my health. I just needed some advice/tips on starting a diet and...