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  1. C

    Is it possible...

    for a guy to live inside a girl's house and they're NOT fvcking? Normally I'd say 95% chance if the guy has keys to her place something's going on for sure but anyone heard any cases that's not? my situation is that..i'm dating this older chick thats pretty successful...and we're really into...
  2. C

    Escalating sexually

    For some reason I feel like this part is always missing from my game and I'm not sure why..only at the right place right time I do everything right but when I'm put under pressure sometimes I freeze up for example when a friend sets me up with a 'blind date'..or with girls that are very...
  3. C

    What to do when a girl tests you on your character?

    For example..a girl says she likes you and you guy have been flirting for a while..then all of a sudden one day she says she got drunk one night and doesnt remember what she should you respond do this? if you react it shows you have boundaries but she might also feel your possesive..but...
  4. C

    How to induce the sexual vibe?

    I understand that being able to induce the sexual vibe onto a woman is one of the most valuable posession that the alpha male has, probably greater than how females use seductive sexuality on us.. Also that men are supposed to be the stimulus and women the that means their...
  5. C

    When a girl says she likes you..

    but you still sense that she is somewhat playing games..what does it really mean? -what kind of tests could be behind it? -maybe she's just shy? if so how would i make her comfortable? and how should i approach the situation? do i talk about it with her and ask her out, or keep playing the...
  6. C

    MSN screen names observation

    I've noticed that since MSN is very popular..a lot of gaming happen there especially jealousy plotlines.. What have you guys observed about girls' MSN screen names and relations to their behavior and what they're trying to do? post them here and lets discuss some. for example, a common one...
  7. C

    tell me if i did the right thing

    this girl flaked on me today again after i talked to her about it..but i've known her for a while so it's not the first time or anything..first few times i put up with the flaking because i didn't exactly treat her right in the beginning but after a while i talked to her about it and i dont...
  8. C

    girls that are into u but plays everything cooler than u are

    how do u deal with girls that u know like u but are just playing everything cool? i tried waiting and pull back but then they pull back even more..but the vibe never dies and it's always on..but still they're patient as hell and u do have to put some effort in so whats a way to impact them...
  9. C

    how to get the upper hand back?

    so let's just say you're casually dating a girl and she likes you..but she has the upper hand and is the one that acting more should i get the upper hand back? i know one method is to up the ante and act even more aloof, but is this the only way? although it's true i do think...
  10. C

    help me with this message please..

    here's a message i'm writing to a girl whom's trust i kinda betrayed now she's playing a lot of games with me but still likes ***** as it sounds i would think that i don't have anything to lose other than a little bit of tell me what you think it goes: Hey..i...
  11. C

    girl is teasing me on purpose because i betrayed her trust..

    this girl that i'm seeing (strong vibe) was all into me at first and hinted that she wanted something serious with me...but i ****ed it up at the time by not playing it right and still partying with other girls.. now that i kinda want her back she doesn't say she's mad at me but she's just...
  12. C

    girl likes me but doesn't want to see me..what's going on?

    the girl that i'm seeing now is a little bit traditional..not exactly the party girl type..the first time we hooked up it was great..then one day i went to a party without her with a bunch of other girls and i think she got kinda pissed cus after that she started playing games with
  13. C

    when a girl says "u must be very popular"

    what does this mean? does it mean that the girl has some insecurities deep down or is it some kind of sarcasm? i got this when the girl that i was seeing saw a bunch of pics of me partying and chilling with other girls and after that she just started playing more and more games with me and...
  14. C

    women who flake on you on purpose..what's the best response?

    Lately I've encountered situations when the girl will make a plan with you with all the details and meeting time etc and say she will be there for sure when you ask but she doesn't. This is different than the traditional flaking examples when let's say you want to meet on friday and she tells...
  15. C

    When to make the moves? (if you even should)

    One important element in the game is push and pull... You also have to push forward and show sexual dominance or else you would be the "nice guy"..but at the same time you have to be indifferent and not show too much interest. But my question is...when should you show interest? or you...
  16. C

    should you ever chase?

    I'm basing this on "if she's interested she'll come" or.."be the center and don't shift it"..which both makes sense. so being the man of indifference I interpret it as not chasing...but then what are some ways to draw her close to you without you giving your powers away?
  17. C

    how to deal with attention *****s?

    how do you deal with girls that teases you..but constantly? it's like when they have a fetish for it or something...shows you IOIs but always pulls away? should you ignore them or maybe they're waiting for a direct move?
  18. C

    When a girl asks you to travel...

    What is the best thing to do, in your opinion, when a girl asks you to travel to a beach town nearby with her friends? Should you accept the offer or play it cool...decline it and then offer something else later? I've only chilled with this girl for a weekend at a group trip...there are sexual...
  19. C

    tension with my female room mates

    ok so i live in a house full of international exchange students in mexico, and there are these two girls who are best friends and they're always talking and gossiping etc... lately i've been feeling some tension between us (me and them), one girl is always sending me mixed signals. for...
  20. C

    One-itis? LJBFed?

    Long story short, I met this really cool chick (or so I think) and somehow it ended up to be a one-itis situation for me as much as I shouldn't have let it happen. At first the vibe was great we made a lot of plans but then I think I showed too much interest so now she's kinda avoiding me (or so...