Search results

  1. M

    Just entered my 1st LTR in a while

    This is my first LRT in 1year 9 months. I had a big crush on this girl near the end of last year, I asked her out twice last year (neither of them were obvious that i was asking her out) and got rejected twice. Over the summer, I completely changed myself. I started wearing fitting shirts...
  2. M

    My most ballsy move ever...

    Today I was at work ... in my stupid Tim Hortons uniform (Probably the least flattering thing a man could wear) When the girl who i've been working on for the last week comes in. She was with a guy who I know if going after her too. She gets to the counter, her and i joke around, then I decide...
  3. M

    Best Movie to watch?

    I have a girl comin over in 15 minutes, and I just realized all my movies are guy movies. The only ones that arent are: Bourne Supremacy Pirates of the Carribian 1 & 2 Lost in Translation Ferris Buelers Day Off Which would be best to watch? I also have some horrors (house of wax...
  4. M

    Rockin' the unibrow...

    I was wondering if it's humany possible to keep a unibrow and look good. I keep mine shaved/pulled, but i was wondering if anyone has successfully worn one, just because I keep getting worried i'm going to shave too much of my eyebrow off or leave too much in.
  5. M

    My 3 day sucess story...

    First of all, sorry for the wall of text, Ill try to split it up a bit. Alright, I discovered this website Friday night, read a bunch over the weekend, and by today, I already improved 300%. I was walking around with better posture and following all the confidence tips, I even had 2 friends...
  6. M

    The ****blockers...

    I'm guessing this is the proper board to post this on since I'm in highschool and it sort of relates. I am new to this site and I am a BAFC. I'm 16 years old and only had 1 girlfriend. Whenever I try meeting women, I get into the friendzone pretty quickly. However, lately I've been working at...