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  1. M

    (One reason) why women treat you poorly

    Does this ring a bell? * You're dating a woman only to find out you're in a long queue of suitors that she rotates, flakes on, and/or won't sleep with * Your ex-gf/wife repeatedly f*cked with your head and demonstrated low interest throughout the relationship * You've been dating a...
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    Trouble with dating after wife passed away

    After some advice. I haven't posted here in ages, mainly because I fell in love and got married to this awesome girl. To make a long story short, she passed away last year, and now I'm dating again. The first weird thing I noticed is that unlike a decade ago, now that I'm early 30s it's...
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    Said I love you first, didn't really mean it

    So last night me and gf get back from a night out, both of us still slightly buzzed. We're cuddling in bed and I just felt like I had to say "I love you". She said it back and then initiated sex. In the morning she initiated sex again. It could have been the alcohol that made me say it, in...
  4. M

    New girl's very tight - any advice?

    Hi guys, Was with a new girl last night. Everything went great until sex, problem is, she was so tight I just couldn't get my d1ck inside her! This was after a good amount of foreplay so she was soaking wet and definitely ready for me, but after a few failed attempts I ended up going limp and...
  5. M

    What am I doing wrong here?

    GF broke up with me yesterday because there wasn't any "tenderness" in the relationship and I was too "harsh" with her, not "soft" enough (her words). Also she thinks I'm selfish. We'd been going out for a month and a half. Thing is, my other ex almost broke up with me after the same period...
  6. M

    Half-success and what I learned from it

    So I was at this conference in September and figured, what the hell, I'll try gaming some of the girls there in a harmless sort of way, just for "practice". There were two who seemed interesting so I did the whole small talk thing, a bit of kino, and ended up talking/flirting all evening with...
  7. M

    Think about deer hunting

    Got this idea off a post by Colossus. It's a great metaphor to the kind of mindframe we should be in when it comes to women. The "game" is like deer hunting with a knife. You're the hunter and you need to get close enough to the deer, so you do all sorts of things to mask your presence or...
  8. M

    What's the best movie soundtrack?

    I give my vote to Garden State with Watchmen not too far behind (especially Bob Dylan for the opening credits).
  9. M

    How do I get rid of her??

    I broke up with my gf in July for a few reasons, the main one being that she blackmailed me into giving her money after we had a big fight. She begged me to get back together with her and paid me back the money I gave her, even after I told her that was it and I wouldn't see her anymore. Then...
  10. M

    Mike's Training Log

    Details: 5'11", 68kg, 15% BF 1RMs (estimated from 5RM): Squat: 76Kg Bench: 68Kg Deadlift: 76Kg General Goal: Strength gain Exercise history: Up until the end of last year I was a long-distance runner (semi-marathon). After realizing how pathetically weak I was I decided it was...
  11. M

    Strength + Endurance Workout routine - Please criticize

    Goals: Increase strength, endurance, and overall fitness. Aesthetics isn't the main goal and the workout is not designed with building muscle in mind. However, I'm sure that with proper diet the two goals aren't mutually exclusive. About me: I'm 5'11, 155lbs, 13-14% bodyfat, been working out...
  12. M

    Mike's Food Journal (Meal Recipes)

    Many of us have wanted at one point or another to clean up our diets. I, for one, have read up just about everything that's come out on this forum (and others) about nutrition, without ever being able to really translate that to real life. Why? I knew what ingredients I had to get, I got them...
  13. M

    Lats sore after pushups?

    Hi, I thought I'd take a couple weeks off weights and do bodyweight exercises (weighted pull-ups, pushups, crunches, etc) instead to change my routine around. After doing the pushups, my lats were sore! I also felt it in my chest and triceps, but my lats were so sore that I couldn't do a...
  14. M

    Creatine Ethyl Ester vs. Creatine Monohydrate

    According to the sales pitches I've heard, Creatine EE is absorbed much faster and more efficiently, eliminating the bloating that usually comes with creatine MH. The main advantage would be that with Creatine EE, there is no longer a need for the loading phase as the Creatine is directly...
  15. M

    Sosuave software? Post feature requests here!

    Hey all, I'm a software developer in my spare time and I think with all the piles and piles of information on this website most of us would have trouble putting everything we see to practice. My idea is basically to create a software to teach the user everything that's in the DJ Bible in...
  16. M

    I've met THE prude-est girl in the UK

    Seriously. No kidding. Here's the story. This girl's Chinese, HB7, 24yo, with a great body, we'll call her Sue. We met through a friend at a lecture. I didn't like her very much at first, but after a while we started getting along. Eager to work on my kino (which I tend not to be very...
  17. M

    No pumps during chest workout but sore chest next day?

    Hello, I'm 2 months into a bulking phase, and I've noticed that on days that I work my chest I don't get pumps during the workout (in fact, I can even do pushups after the workout and my chest doesn't feel worked at all), but the next day my chest is as sore as the other bodyparts I was...
  18. M

    Why might a girl you're friends with suddenly want more?

    Hi all, Here's the deal: I just heard about an old friend of mine who was friends with his now-gf for two years. This isn't the first time I've heard of stuff like this. My best friend is a girl, and now and then she'll tell me about these crushes she has on other guy friends of hers, most of...